Wild Deer Swarm From All Over After Woman Calls Out For Them

9 years ago

In this video,a woman goes out onto her porch and is swarmed by the friendly deer in the neighborhood that know it is dinner time. She has an incredible connecting with these wild, timid creatures, yet they all trust her deeply and it is amazing to see.

The woman's husband says: "My wife Cheyenne feeds the deer every winter. Some deer have been coming back for years. She has names for some of them. They trust her completely and come when she calls. If a strange person is around, they are not as friendly. We have two Bucks that will come up and eat out of the window like a drive thru."

Isn't nature just beautiful? That beautiful, open setting in the video is one that is truly amazing. It must be so peaceful and quite up there in the mountains. These deer look like they do not have a care in the world beside eating the oats that the lady is leaving for them. It must be one peaceful life to live!

On a side note, aren't these deer just so adorable? Most people do not have the access to get up to deer this close but they could always get some adorable animal plushs from Amazon!

Occurrence Date: December 29th, 2013
Location: Wapiti, Wyoming, USA

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