Pilots Perform Hair-Raising Landings In Strong Winds

9 years ago

On 25 July 2015, this famous airport was engulfed by ferocious crosswinds. This jaw-dropping sequence shows a number of pilots performing incredibly terrifying landings at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands during an intense summer storm.

Several planes, including a KLM and a Flybe jet can be seen rocking side to side while battling the severe winds as they approach the strip for a touchdown.

The first jet is a Flybe Embrae ERJ-170, seen pivoting back and forward as it was nearing the strip. The winds make it's nose lift as it lands, with the rear wheels touching the tarmac first. The larger KLM comes second with a similarly tough landing in the gray mist, swaying side to side before touching the landing strip.

One of the subsequent airplanes had probably the worst landing of them all, bouncing along the lane before touching earth completely. The person who recorded this footage has said that one of the planes even had to abort the initial landing and fly back up so that they might try again.

These conditions might be stressful for the passengers, turbulence and all, but airplane pilots are trained to handle conditions like these with admiration. There's a technique called “crab landing", where a pilot has to land the plane slightly sideways.

And you wonder why we clap when the plane touches down!

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