Dash Cam Captures Incredible Near Miss Roundabout Accident

9 years ago

This is the chilling moment when a dash cam footage captures the incredibly close call two vehicles experience during a near miss accident on a roundabout junction.

Seeing a close call happen is always an important reminder to stay aware of your surrounds whether you're driving or not. You never know what's coming around the corner, so you need to do everything to remain as safe and alert as possible.

In this video, we see a car waiting second in a row to enter a roundabout. As the first car in the row waits for incoming cars to pass and enters the junction to make a steep turn for the far right lane, a speeding car intersects its path and comes very close to the turning vehicle, with only a few inches spare to avoid a serious crash.

The dash-cam of the car behind caught this near miss incident on film, showing the close call these two cars had at the moment everyone stopped breathing to see if the vehicles collided. The road seemed to be clear, so the vehicle entered into traffic only to transition into the roundabout where the close call occurred.

Watch the chilling moment when a speeding car comes out of nowhere and swiftly enters the roundabout only to avoid crashing into the oncoming vehicle. As the speeding car came out of nowhere, the skilled driver of the oncoming vehicle had to swerve the wheel in order to avoid a collision. Thankfully no one was injured, and the traffic flow continued as if nothing had happened.

Roundabout accidents are frequent especially if there is a dead angle and vehicles come out of frame, causing vehicles to meet out of nowhere. Watching the dash cam footage which captured this extremely close call of two speeding cars attending on a junction to enter a roundabout has left us speechless. Fortunately, the quick reactions and excellent driving skills presented by the driver made for a happy ending.

A driver in Victoria Point, Queensland, Australia captured footage of an incredibly close call while driving into a roadway roundabout. Those drivers are so lucky that they avoided an accident!

When you are in your vehicle, you need to realize that you are as protected as you can be and that you are doing all that you can to abstain from getting into accidents. Here and there, this is just unavoidable, and it happens to the majority of us at some time. However, there are likewise a ton of disasters that could be prevented, if individuals were merely doing the things they should do when they are in the driver's seat.

When you are on the streets, ensure that you are following the majority of the tenets of the street, and being mindful to stay away from any inconvenience, including accidents. You should always keep your eyes on the road, never talk on the phone while driving, keep speed limit and never drink and drive.

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