RFK JR: Ukraine har ingen tilbage til, at kæmpe mod Rusland

11 months ago

Denne video er fundet her: https://t.me/VigilantFox/9630

RFK Jr: “The Ukrainians Do Not Have Anybody Left” to Fight Against Russia

“I don’t think there’s any way in the world that the Ukrainians can beat the Russians,” expressed Kennedy. “There is no appetite in Europe for sending men to die in Ukraine. And the Ukrainians do not have anybody left.”

He continued. “The Russians apparently have been killing Ukrainians at a seven-to-one ratio. My son fought over there, He had firefights with the Russians mainly at night, but he said most of the battles were artillery wars during the day and that the Russians now outgun The NATO forces ten to one in artillery. So, they’re killing at a horrendous rate.”

Clip and caption via @VigilantFox

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