the power of zooming in, as you can see

1 year ago

yet another cement truck
you cannot watch it spin, i'm sari
when somebody behind me wants to go faster i will gladly move into the next lane
there go you another cement truck
it's the little things always n forever
we definitely miss drinking beer
odoules just tastes like miller high life
all those wonderful people using their turn signals
do people do _____ when it's most effective
we need order n structure, otherwise people kinda lose their shit
anarchy means options, damnit
i'd highly suggest we do sumin different
let's just change ALL the language
people can only respond to whatever they think they know about a given topic
i got my la las all messed up, now totally outta key, oh well
*danny kirwan not peter green
many people don't seem to mind being willfully ignorant
i'll give these mfs the benefit of the doubt that it ain't ego but fear that's keeping them from doing additional research
they shudder to think about life minus the technology that they've grown so accustomed to
most commercials include a phone in the ad representing american culture
these things shrink in size and then expand
a good couple watches tv together
weak n lame n retarded *most in society
dump truck, amy i told yawl we are dumb

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