you are responsible for memory, sleep , vision, abstract ideas, and voluntary control.

1 year ago

The throat chakra is that which is the creative force of your being which is to know how to begin in relationship to your center, your heart chakra and how it spins in relationship to the wholistic format of your soul to begin physical, emotional, mental and spiritual transformation of the ether or plasma in reality.

Still as made apparent that this system relies on the waves of being as there is a medium of exchange which is communicated by way of the being through language which is an agreed to construct of this consensual reality. When the language is defined which is part of the process of awareness and it is followed by the civilization then there is the ability to see, be aware and communicate this awareness to others.

The throat chakra allows for the law of vibration to be enacted on a level to bring forth a manifestation. In the formula of Ask and it is given or ask and you shall receive is the attention to the action of asking. The asking is formulating words, desires, feelings, contrast and the focus of the desired event or position and then it is asked trough a process of verbalization, communication or intention. This is made manifested in the world by first bringing it into focus and secondly placing power behind it to develop a word, a sound or a powerful sign, symbol or action that is derived and empowered by the throat chakra.

the throat chakra acts on behalf of the heart chakra which is the master energy of the body and it in acknowledgment of this fact of being.

It is in this energy of the throat that you are not reaching forth into capacity to speak the language of Light. The language of Light holds the codes of creation and the power of asking. In becoming clear of the ancient energy of deception the Planetary Energies of Neptune are releasing a mist of forgetfulness and fantasy to give mercury the ability to recreate the layers of grids. it is like an eraser that is washing over the short term memories to open forth the higher light energies to descend into the upper brain and make stable the vibration of the heart with the higher mind.

I ask my inner teachers how the thorat chakra operates to communicate truth.

It is truth that is being brought forth through the media now even as the communications are meat to deceive and confuse the truth is being expressed without interference. The awakening that is occurring with so many is part of this process of knowing the white light alliance is fully in command of the fifth dimensional grids. The overall destiny of humanity is oneness and awakening. The resonate fields that are aligning are being brought about by higher forces which have no correspondence within the governing organizations of the planet.

The dissolution of the old forms are seen clearly as the decadence and confusion are rampant and infantile fear is being produced in attempt to control an ever lessening mass consciousness. the path that the many are on is to the higher light which is calling and rising higher in the horizon. All is well and there is a new path that is being spoken of my the many who walk towards the new light.

Understanding demands trust and those who speak now are listening to their inner teachers. The time of channeling dis incarnates is long past as you are feeling clearly the words of your own higher self. this is the part that you are listening to as you hear the words, the voices, have the feelings and know intuition. The telepathic downloads from your higher self have come in ways that have spoken to you to make this process easier. They have spoken to you as God or angels, or as those to who you trust. It is this pathway of the light that comes that you will know that just over here just a little ways from your present dilemma is a solution.

It is when there is a large discrepancy from where you are that there is confusion. When you are given a path that is a giant leap of transformation that there is a legitimate question of the accuracy of this phenomena. The Sun does not skip a day or turn left in its orbit without notice or logic. In this way all things are given their space and time for change. When there is a major change it comes with surety and careful transformation. The universe and galaxies are patient in their process. Truth is very slow in bringing to you these changes that you call for. The change that is now in your world has been ages and eons in development. The transitions now will also be slow as it has been managed for these eons to carefully give to you the awareness of your new skills in creation.

The autonomic nervous system is composed of two subdivisions, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for emergencies, mediating a "fight-or-flight" response. The parasympathetic nervous system is involved in the conservation of body energy.
The information in this table, especially the two right-hand columns, is essential to an understanding of neural physiology and pharmacology:

Subdivision Nerves Employed Location of Ganglia Chemical Messenger General Function
Sympathetic Thoracolumbar Alongside vertebral column Norepinephrine Fight or flight
Parasympathetic Craniosacral On or near an effector organ Acetylcholine Conservation of body energy
Elements of the nervous system
The human nervous system has evolved into an extremely complex network of specialized fibers, capable of a broad range of function. The basic functional unit of the nervous system is the neuron.
Neurons are organized into a multitude of different circuits or neural pathways. During its evolution, the nervous system developed three main structural levels, each capable of performing different functions:
The spinal cord mediates simple reflexes concerned with movement, defecation, urination, and adjustment of body temperature. Virtually all communications from the higher brain centers takes place through pathways in the spinal cord.
The lower brain (brain stem, hypothalamus, and thalamus) controls arterial blood pressure, respiration, crude sensation, control of feeding reflexes, and emotional states.
The cerebral cortex is responsible for memory, sleep and wakefulness, vision, abstract ideas, and voluntary control.

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