Rhema July 3, 2023 🎺 I am the God of the Living and All who are Mine shall soon be with Me

11 months ago

Text & Audio... https://awakeningforreality.com/gott-der-lebenden-god-of-the-living/
EBook... https://awakeningforreality.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Ebook-Trumpet-Call-of-God-Version-2021-10.pdf
Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Video Playlist Trumpet Call of God... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCtgpDObQGYXYIo7HBgwnrGu
Endtime-Prophecies... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCvqoP8fdADZdKJ--VYSyaHQ
Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
Trumpet Call of God in various Languages... https://awakeningforreality.com
Personal Word from the Lord... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/
Source... Official Website in englisch... http://www.trumpetcallofgodonline.com

I am the God of the Living and All who are Mine shall soon be with Me

July 28, 2011 - From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord... Who among this dying generation shall praise Me from the pit? And what song is heard from the mouth of those asleep in the grave? Shall rotting flesh stand up and praise The God of Israel? Shall those turned to dust give Me glory?…

I tell you a mystery! Behold, I shall speak a wonder!… There is a people who sleep and a flesh which has no life in it, there are many who have returned to the earth and can not be found, yet The Lord God knows their names and their dwelling places…

Not one has passed from My sight, not one has passed away or been given up to the void. For I am The God of The Living! The One, alone, worthy of all praise! I am not the god of the dead, but of the living. For the dead have no ruler... What king commands dead corpses? There is no life in them, all their thoughts have perished. Not one voice is heard from the grave; only complete and utter silence is found there... Darkness without time.

I am He who formed the living, He who also created the dead; from the dust I created them, and to the dust do they return; with My own breath were they made alive, and without My breath do they fall asleep in an instant… In the image of The Son were they formed, in His likeness shall they be restored.

For the day and hour is close at hand, yea it is very near, when the dead will arise and the sleepers shall awake!… When the rotting corpses are revived, and the dust gathers together, once again! From the ends of the earth, even from the deepest depths, shall My people arise!… And they shall give Me glory, once again!

For My heart yearns for them, My soul aches for the sound of their voices. I long to embrace them, to feel their beating hearts, to touch their soft faces… I want them to be with Me, where I am!

Lo, they shall be with Me, and not them only, but all who are Mine, of the living and of the dead, and every innocent child. For in them I am known, and through them am I made known... For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven!

I tell you, the day and hour has been chosen, and in My right hand have I written it. Therefore let all the children of Israel step forward!… Let everyone, joined to the Messiah, rush forward and claim their inheritance! For The Desire of Your Hearts is very near!… Your union awaits!

So then, let us be glad together! For I have but to call out your name! Says The Holy One of Israel, your Redeemer.

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