Prigozhin claims coup d'etat - Ukraine War

11 months ago

The Deep404 - analysis of global events. Sister channel to @the3ps TheThirdPartyShow. #deep404
Simplicius the thinker

yevgeny Prigozhin claims coup

24 Jun 2023

deep 404
The 3P'S

Prog - video MOD RUAF bombed Wagner Camp

General Surovikin - video - calling for calm - machine gun on his thigh
According to the spokesman of the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Peskov, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, received a report from the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Igor Krasnov, about the initiation of criminal proceedings against the head of the PMC Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhin, in connection with the attempt to organize an armed uprising.

Segei Shoigu - orders contracts for all volunteer forces - Prigozhin flat out rejected this

Storm Z vs Wagner

Weird proclamations
But some examples are, he claimed that the Russian MOD is lying and the AFU have in fact broken through the Russian defenses and reached up to Tokmak. The problem is, the very next day (today) upwards of three separate Russian troop units in different cities of Sadove and Urazhnoe released videos proving that, not only do they control those cities which Prigozhin claimed the AFU had already swept through, but that the front was calm and there wasn’t even any fighting anywhere near them, let alone any fantasy breakthroughs of which he speaks.

psychotically unhinged:
Prigozhin said that Ukraine has not bombed the Donbass for 8 years, and the Ministry of Defense is inventing facts to show itself in a good light:
• On the borders with Donbass, we hit them, they hit us. This happened all the long 8 years from 2014 to 2022. On February 24, there was nothing extraordinary
• After 2014, Donbass was plundered by people from the Presidential Administration, the FSB, and oligarchs. The generals sawed up the money allocated for the corps of the people's militia "LDNR". Generals received money for "dead souls"
• The Ministry of Defense deceives the public and talks about the insane aggression of Ukraine, as if they were going to attack us together with the entire NATO bloc. "SVO" was started for completely different reasons
• Zelensky, when he became president, was ready for any agreements. All that had to be done was to get off Olympus, go and negotiate
• Badly planned operation. For some reason, a bunch of idiots decided that they are so smart-assed that no one will understand what they are doing during the "exercises" and no one will stop them
Let’s go through a few of them.

Prigozhin is working with AFU/SBU/CIA to backstab and destroy Russia, coordinating his actions with them.
Prigozhin is secretly working with Putin to remove the stodgily entrenched Russian command. Notice, not in a single one of his rants has Prigozhin accused Putin or so much as even mentioned his name. There’s a possibility that all this is theater to cause a “conciliatory deal” to be made which will result in the ‘stepping aside’ of Shoigu. Putin has previously “laterally promoted” (in actuality demotions) several big name siloviki in the past. For instance, Sergei Ivanov who was deputy prime minister and presidential chief of staff was “moved” to head some ‘ecological’ department. Could we see Shoigu used as a fig leaf to settle the impasse by “laterally” moving him to some other ostensibly ‘important’ (but actually irrelevant) position?
Everything is actually “as is” and whatever we see on the surface of the conflict pretty much represents what’s really happening.
4. Putin is looking to remove Prighozhin

5. MOD Shoigu is looking to remove Prighozhin

5. This is a carefully crafted psyops event to distract form some larger activity - maskirovka military deception

Dmitry Rogozin - formed deputy PM of Russia - states this is civil unrest - Proigozhin has political ambitions and should put them aside

Rostov - alleged Wagner forces advancing to ROstov video military helicopters

Helicopter shot down? Wagner assuming control of buildiungs?

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