Downieville 4th of July (bubble pack)

1 year ago

Music: The Propellerheads, featuring Shirley Bassey from 1997 album “Decksanddrumsandrockandroll” available at all the usual sources (edited for time).

Hwy. 49 from Grass Valley to Downieville is only about 50 miles, but it’s a spectacular ride thru the forest and along the Yuba River. Used to be a regular trip most summer Sundays, back before the world went mad. Not sure when the bubble pack idea started…. 2021? ’22? It certainly is unique, completely harmless, and enjoyed by all. Food is pretty good, too.

Downieville missed being the State Capitol by 10 votes when California became the 31st state in September of 1850. A fight broke out the evening of Downieville’s first July 4th celebration, a man was stabbed to death, and a woman named Josefa Segovia was lynched for the murder. She was hanged from Downieville’s Jersey Bridge in the middle of town on July 5th, 1851. I guess people were crazy back then, too.

Didn’t get any video of the actual parade…. It goes for two blocks, turns around, then goes back. Got clear shots of parade vehicles as they returned tho, thanks to leaving bike’s tailcam on. Actually managed to record the siren this time. Amazing how loud the bubble pack was while being stomped into oblivion - VU levels were very close to that of the siren. Enjoy the video, comment if you like. ;-)

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