The CCP Funds its Military and Expansion with American Public Pension Fund

11 months ago

07/08/2023 Nicole on Wayne Dupree Show: The CCP has been using the tactics of deterrence. That's how they got Blinken to make the announcement that the US is not going to support the independence of Taiwan. The CCP is using the American people's public pension fund to modernize its military equipment and expansion. That's what the engagement policy is all about. This is a manufactured decline of America, a self-made self-destruction on the Americans’ part. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
07/08/2023 妮可作客《 Wayne Dupree Show》节目:中共一直使用威慑战术,这就是为什么他们让布林肯发表“美国不支持台湾独立”的声明。中共正在使用美国人民的公共养老基金去资助中共军备现代化和军事扩张。这就是美国对华接触政策的本质。美国这么做是在人为走向衰落,自我毁灭。#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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