you do all the stuff i'm not gonna do and i'll make the art that you won't make

1 year ago

what doesn't bother me about the internet tho
you don't know me all cos you watch this channel
vlogging is bad enough, i ain't social networking
twitter is here to destroy context no other reason
no meaningful conversations on social networks
all they do is fight and one up each other
people think cos they either have those that really agree or really disagree that they are getting somewhere but really they are just running in place
i thought i wrote a song about nick fuentes but it was actually about me hahaha
self-critique is too painful sooooo projecting it is!
i really understand that sacrifice
who am i to tell anyone that they're wrong
no not suicidal threats or any threats for that matter
i'd like to think that this ain't as boring as a podcast
i can't succeed at staying on topic
the longest i can watch a podcast is maybe twenty min
make 4,000 videos without any kinda restitution
2 cucumbers, better clarify
watch ag talk on her (flip) phone in the car
ronnit is the only one i really keep up w/
we both had panic attacks over health insurance on the same day
i ain't in total isolation man, you can ask all the people in my life
how creepy are people on the internet fo real fo real
art is a way to reach out to people but the consumer is not the artist
all jews make demands and ronnit would whole heartedly agree with that stereotype
she is still a virgin so proud of brad
i dunno how people live together
a lotta people dunno that the person they are with is mentally ill until it's too late
the part of me that retreats n does a rain dance keeps getting louder n louder
those hooked on tv are more than likely in a shitty relationship
hobbies and making things is somewhat fulfilling
switching lanes is always terrifying
nobody deserves much more than hades
externalized misogyny strikes again!
so american to feel this level of entitleness
anybody w/ human decency will weep over how bad things truly are
i used to be sad becuz of me but now i just cry over the world
those knee deep in the victim mentality will lament over how bad they've got it
it's also part of being a comedian and we have an extra amt of that
it's a bold faced lie to deny the suffering in the world all so's to maintain your little bubble
drugs that aren't even fun or help you get better
stanhope calls em "dummy drugs" so true!
i don't expect anyone to lighten the load
frenz/fam annoy me n piss me off sometimes but i genuinely love n appreciate them
my life is just meaningless w/out being validated by other people, says society without even realizing
the arrogance of society thinking that they can order people around
i know that my opinions are extremely strong
people walk outta my sets the way that they leave this channel hahaha
ronnit and i are like polar opposites about sex and yet we are bffs
no point in telling anyone not to fornicate
if they listen to you it's only cos you're hounding them
why would you want people to adhere to whatever you're saying if they're being disengenous
i really feel way more like a dude
men, much like women, are too needy
i can't fault women for being codependent cos that is how they are made
soul of a man without the parts *eunuch
yes i live an extremely frustrating life haha

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