you never have to defend why you are PC

11 months ago

are they all fake i hope not
this bird does not like to be scrutinized
that's such a serious effort by the govt if that is actually true
here's my confirmation bias for ya
there have got to be some fake conspiracies all for the purpose of mocking people like us
a lotta people are really gullible regardless
i am a sheep that wants to believe in the actuality of birds
what if i just can't accept the truth about birds
it must be somewhat of a percentage but probably not all of em
this whiteboard is dirty as fuck so you know that it's mine
i already forgot what i was gonna write
i don't write for hours anymore
i smoked a buncha pot so that killed my motivation to do certain things
annoying that i talk about so many things in one video but i can't much help it
i used to write in this exact of consciousness
i'm on the right path cos of how uncomfortable it is haha
i appreciate the stuff that ain't fun
i have a deeper understanding of God's Grace
i betchu had no clue that i get defensive
i defend it becuz it's contrarian, you don't have to defend political correctedness or anything regarded as normal
it's not their fault that they lack consciousness and it's not my fault that i wanna be alone
unsolicited advice is different from art...or is it?
actually now that i think about it (don't worry i will do a future video on it maybe even a song i dunno yet) it seems that perhaps giving unsolicited advice is a new art form
apparently the reason why people make art is cos they're frustrated w/ the world (at least that's how it used to be)
why are you shocked that i don't wanna be part of this shit
white board world trumps regular ass world
judson and i keep talking randomly but i highly doubt that we're gonna get married haha

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