Barr's Controversial Silence: Examining Missteps, Impeachment, and the Hunter Biden Allegations

11 months ago

(S2281 full video Barr’s most significant achievement was his role in the final stages of Mueller’s investigation, when he concluded there wasn’t sufficient to establish obstruction-of-justice by Trump. But a series of curious missteps then followed. Trump found himself impeached by the House in December 2019 - despite evidence within the DOJ that might have prevented this. The investigation of U.S. Attorney John Huber disappeared altogether. Durham’s investigation was not only delayed, its scope was narrowed considerably. As the country edged closer to the presidential election, there was still nothing from Durham. But credible allegations regarding Hunter Biden began to surface. Then, on October 14, 2020, explosive emails from Hunter’s laptop were published. Biden lied about them during the 2nd debate, claiming they were Russian disinformation. Barr knew otherwise. Barr was also aware of allegations of Biden Bribery held by the FBI. But he stayed quiet. Now, it seems, he can’t stop speaking out.

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