TheDimStream LIVE! Independence Day (1996) | Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Chatting about the "Independence Day" film with Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Liam Hemsworth, and a bunch of other people.


JQuickDraw I think that I shall never see, a live stream lovely as a tree...

TunedToKey "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" - Will Smith in a movies from the 90s

TunedToKey "Sure you can bang my wife, but have her home by 11pm. Ok fine, midnight" - Will Smith in 2023

JQuickDraw I miss a couple of shows and you're back to being "fashionably" late again?

TunedToKey I bet Beverly lost her phone and is making the Ginger help her find it again

TunedToKey The man is a saint

JQuickDraw Gingers are known to be especially good at locating missing phones.

TunedToKey Are you both wearing festive shirts/colors?

JQuickDraw wow

JQuickDraw See, those high temperatures are because you refuse to limit your carbon footprint.

jbsx mosquitos dont live on the surface of the sun

TunedToKey They didnt know LOLOLOL

TunedToKey Now they are trying to limit nitrogen

TunedToKey Most of the atmosphere is nitrogen

TunedToKey Carbon Dioxide is also not good for us to breathe in

TunedToKey The carbon they want to limit is YOU

JQuickDraw We're on the low end of carbon in the atmosphere, if you look at the history of the earth. If it gets not much lower, plants will start dying actually.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers

TunedToKey Sup

TunedToKey If the plants die, we die

Egerog my black australorp is boody at the moment.

TunedToKey With actual eggs?

TunedToKey My fav quote from 1st Independence Day - "You'd all be dead if it wasn't for my David!"
redpoost3 🔥📺 LIVE BROADCAST: Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Elon Musk Drop a Bombshell Revelation That Will Shake the World to Its Core! 😱🌎💥 ➡️

TunedToKey Who is a mod here?

JQuickDraw If a woman can't handle my profound appreciation of heroin, that's a nope. Only dopes refuse the dope. Words to live by.

TunedToKey LOL

TunedToKey HAHA cat wants out now

Guyinroom83 get that strippers name out yo mouf

Guyinroom83 isn't he a huge addict

TunedToKey Yes

Guyinroom83 ive heard actors say they do all their lines in like one take and leave. thats prob why a lot aren't very good though. but that makes it sound really easy

Guyinroom83 your cat is desperately trying to escape. It's signaling SOS to the camera

TunedToKey Cory da cat has to pee or poo

TunedToKey You missed my fav quote from the movie up above

JQuickDraw Lisa Kudrow played a waitress on Mad About You in at least one episode I remember, and that character was basically the one from Friends.

Guyinroom83 is he a baldwin?

JQuickDraw He was in the late 70s movie My Bodyguard

Guyinroom83 awwec bawwin

Guyinroom83 isnt stephen baldwin conservative

Guyinroom83 did you hear of the show the sinner? pullman was real good in that

Guyinroom83 the stripper or 'whatever her name is'? excuse me??

Guyinroom83 yeah didn't kylo ren do that

Guyinroom83 yep

Guyinroom83 agree, it was very sudden, but so was everything in that last new SW

Guyinroom83 yeah he was actually. could've had a great story with kylo, and the ... black guy. (ironically forget his name)

AlexofAllTrades Moderator Finn

Guyinroom83 Bevvy is a Brony confirmed

Guyinroom83 BronyCon 2023 lets goooo

Guyinroom83 oh wow. Peg-sisters
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
I liked when will smith punched the alien

Guyinroom83 that's probably what trans mtf call each other

Guyinroom83 welcome to earf, bitch

JQuickDraw "Peg" - a - sisters? Hmmm

Guyinroom83 exactly. Peg sisters.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ oh no his missle didnt work

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Emotional scene

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Incoming

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Pulling your heartstrings lol

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ What is alien genre. I guess. Alien?

JQuickDraw The Thing

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Suspense/terror/intrigue?

Guyinroom83 i loved it growing up. mainly just the giant ufo's and effects

JQuickDraw Invasion of the Bodysnatchers

Guyinroom83 haven't seen it in forever though

Guyinroom83 and 2012

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ But yeah independence day is silly action

JQuickDraw Coming to America

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ You could do aliens like a detective gente. Or action. Or terror

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Imagine a film noir alien movie!

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ That would be cooool

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ 1920a detective + aliens

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ 1920s*

JQuickDraw You're describing Lovecraft

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Yeah lovecraft is cool

Guyinroom83 @JQuick true

Guyinroom83 hewlett packard lovecraft

JQuickDraw Harry Potter Lovecraft

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Bloodborne did lovecraft-esque really well

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Ps4 game

Guyinroom83 Horror Porn Lovecraft

JQuickDraw I'm always wary about Lovecraft-esque stuff. Cosmicism is really difficult to pull off.

Guyinroom83 theres so many things now that say 'lovecraftian'

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I s

JQuickDraw Yeah it's a quick-n-easy way to draw eyeballs to your stuff

Guyinroom83 i keep seeing, when HP is mentioned, a woke article describing his 'problematic racist' past

JQuickDraw Well that's par for the course nowadays
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
I didn't even know she was sick

Guyinroom83 lovecraftian porn. porncraft

JQuickDraw Of course, they always fail to mention that he repented most of those views by his later years

Guyinroom83 ohh wow. a becoming good at the end story for lovecraft

JQuickDraw Well, he never fully admitted that he was gay, and he died young from a poor diet, with terrible stomach pains. So, he paid for his baby face turn lol.

Guyinroom83 uh. that stupid movie. it seems very me too agenda driven

Guyinroom83 @JQuick he was gay?

JQuickDraw It was never confirmed, and most "experts" seem to think he was asexual. But he had one sexless, failed marriage, and many male friends. When he was older, he traveled to meet with one of them I think

JQuickDraw So, do the math lol. I've never heard of anyone truly being asexual, but suppressed sexuality, yes.

Guyinroom83 he could've just.. been bad with women

Guyinroom83 i honestly think 'asexual' is either made up, or extremely rare like .0000001%

JQuickDraw Anything's possible, but when you look at the totality of evidence, including his copious letters with other men, and his writings, which deal with alienation,it seems like the most likely conclusion.

Guyinroom83 @jquick true. i forget being gay had to be hidden.

Guyinroom83 weird, bc woke defends 'sex work' and strippers also

Guyinroom83 it had to be changed bc she's black

Guyinroom83 that's insane lol

JQuickDraw Woke defends sex workers but considers the "Johns" to be disgusting men. It must be a difficult mindset to maintain. Hot women being sexy = good, Men noticing = bad. lol

Guyinroom83 very true

Guyinroom83 men giving them money, bad.

JQuickDraw No, they can give money, just don't look with their make gaze

JQuickDraw *male

JQuickDraw The aliens were running Windows ME, which is why it was easily hacked and blew up the ship.

JQuickDraw Alex, it's a secret DARPA tech. It hooks into your endocrine system, and the more adrenaline pumping through your body, the more bullets the gun shoots.

Guyinroom83 GAHHHHH :executes perfect sniper shot:

JQuickDraw One of my favorite stupid movie tropes is then someone with a gun RUNS AT THE TARGET while shooting, instead of remaining at a safe distance while shooting.

AlexofAllTrades Moderator I hate that too.

Guyinroom83 @jquick yeah, it's usually they run out into the open, in a huge battle

Guyinroom83 yes BEV

Guyinroom83 don't notice in general is really the message of the mainstream now

Guyinroom83 it's all jealousy from weird nerdy girls who work in the industries

Guyinroom83 yep lol

Guyinroom83 actually, lena dunham is super super sexy and hot!

JQuickDraw That sounds like patriarchal thinking. Any weight is beautiful, you hater.

JQuickDraw I like to wear a cut-out of Brad Pitt's face when I'm out and about. I figure, if you can't put your best face forward, use someone else's.

Guyinroom83 i shower once a month, bc pheromones'. many animals die when I walk past, but it's natural.

Guyinroom83 i like movies where a skinny small girl beats up a giant group of huge men bc girlboss yasss

JQuickDraw It sounds like someone has watched Surviving Edged Weapons lol

Guyinroom83 ew. glad i haven't seen the sequel

Guyinroom83 i love you man was really funny, but the term 'bromantic' is puke worthy

JQuickDraw Say what you want about China, but they're singlehandedly keeping the woke at bay. Hollywood would be off into the outer limits of woke craziness if they didn't have to reign it back for China.

Guyinroom83 you forgot lena dunham? I'm jealous

Guyinroom83 she's like below average in every way. i wouldn't be mean, but she constantly forces you to look at her body

Guyinroom83 she also said she wished she had an abortion
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu what wait?
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu I didn't c the sequel! no spoilers!
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu lol bye
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu that is so wrong
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu ever heard of trans vestigation?
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu well they're horny
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu rapped not raped
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu I have done
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu freestyle rapping
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu never freestyle raping
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu that's what she said

JQuickDraw Remember, these people want continuous, enthusiastic, affirmative consent. You have to ask to do anything every step of the way.
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu "it's so long"
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu someone's gonna clip those times and make porn
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu well I do get pushed back
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu wow
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu creepy THOUGH
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu I mean u could record it on VHS
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu VHS 📼 keeps it private
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu who?
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CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu u got €0€K ON UR MIND

JQuickDraw Ohhh, I thought it was a "molting" core. It sheds its outer layer and grows bigger. Makes long distance travel kinda difficult. By the time you get to the next galaxy, your ship is the size of a star.
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu fast ⏩ moving d!€k
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu daz long& thick
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu ever heard of project blue 💙🔵 beam?
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu lol yeah idk
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu lol

JQuickDraw Oh, "V" I watched that

JQuickDraw Marc Singer was in it
CannamangoeatOILitZaVeryPhilosophicalQuest710ion420hbu bye

JQuickDraw I loved that at the time, man I never connected those dots between V and Independence Day. Very nice.

JQuickDraw There was a twist with "V" regarding the aliens. I won't say anything more about it.

Guyinroom83 @JQuick vagina related twist?

Guyinroom83 @Canna winky?

Guyinroom83 wtf?

Guyinroom83 she sounded a little slurry
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JQuickDraw That was some Final Destination shit
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Guyinroom83 that would suck ass if the plane then took off, and you have to worry if the pilot 'isn't real'

Guyinroom83 psychotic break. reminds me of a crazy story about some executive lady who lost it and said weird stuff about the matrix being real or something, then i think went missing

Guyinroom83 'seems put together and normal' yeah.. bc she's white? I figured.

JQuickDraw @Guyinroom83 I saw a video about that, either Scare Theater or Nexpo, I forget.

Guyinroom83 this is that kinda channel I see

Guyinroom83 @JQuick yeah I've seen several I think bc of the crazy stuff she said

Guyinroom83 I've thought about that same thing for years alex. One little second of your life goes in a viral video, and it changes everything. very black mirror
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Guyinroom83 looks like they're saying it was a manic episode now? but that she had no history of it

JQuickDraw Well carbs themselves aren't bad, but the Standard American Diet allows people to eat 11-13 slices of bread each day and think they're being healthy.

JQuickDraw I thought hearing hateful words caused PTSD.

JQuickDraw It takes some serious balls to still believe Iraq was a good idea.

JQuickDraw My quarterback's a halfling lol

JQuickDraw The offensive line would be orcs and trolls and ogres

JQuickDraw What's the movie?

JQuickDraw Oboy, gotta go rent the first one, don't want to be lost

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

JQuickDraw lator gators

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