Ep 59 N8 5th Jul 23 - HSWA section 199 and 4th Reich Process

1 year ago

I know I say this all the time! But you wont wanna miss this one!

HSWA Section 199 and the 4th Reich Process

This zoom is another fantastic insight into HSWA section 199 and its applications for pinning the likes of Worksafe to wall around notifications of notifiable diseases (C19) in the workplace and the previous police commissioner Mike Bush got an executive position in the con vid 19 rollout and has a connection to C Gayford where M Bush created a whitewash around CG being a cocaine buyer

These people are so dirty and corruptible. The likes of JA and the rest.

Parallels to Nah zee law making in the 1930s to 1940s

Erika tells us about her exploration of the Nuremberg Trial transcripts that details so ghastly goings on - medical experiments- and their parallels to what is happening now - The 4th Reich Process

04:07 Liz: Intro on tonight’s content – National Socialist German Workers Party – Jacinda was head of Young Socialist International – Parallels – Mike Bush previous police commissioner had a position as Covid-19 executive – Gayford connection – Corruption in high places

09:46 Erika: Socialism and communism are the two wings of the same bird – Discusses transcripts of the Nuremberg Trials from Harvard university – Parallels to the happenings of the last 3 years – Replace words and reads like the playbook that’s happening now - Brenton Tarrant use of language – Claims against the 28 Doctors & Minister of “Health” - Mankind has not heretofore felt the need of a word to denominate the science of how must rapidly to kill prisoners and subjugate people in large numbers – Medical experiments

15:10 Erika: NMT medical experiments – X-ray sterilisation experiments – Todays Vaccine trials and no long-term safety studies on fertility – Self regulation – NMT transcript Typhus vaccination trial - The German doctors founded Voluntary Association for the defence of the economic interests

21:50 Erika: Natural persons in final years of health practitioners education not re enrolling as mandates still stand - Transcripts hierarchical structures of the Nuremberg ministers – Military trials kept perfect records – Star of David use – 1935 book “The structure of public health and the third Reich” – “The life of an individual has meaning only in the light of that ultimate aim” – – Parallels against unvaxxed – Judge Inglis Chief Judge of the Employment Court & no public interest over an individuals

28:33 Liz: GF v COMPTROLLER OF THE NEW ZEALAND CUSTOMS SERVICE – JUDGMENT OF CHIEF JUDGE CHRISTINA INGLIS – GF case and Tikanga, as Customs had applied it to their “framework”, customs “on the road to understanding Tikanga” - Liz, Tikanga is a good faith relationship in employment

33:13 Liz: Case 56 pages long, very good case that rights to not be vaccinated are not to be scoffed at – Diagram paragraph 78 was a dated risk management presentation – §168 (4) Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Powers of entry and inspection – Section 199 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Requirement of medical officer of health to notify regulator of work-related notifiable disease or hazardous substances injury – Section 74 Health Act 1956 - Health practitioners to give notice of cases of notifiable disease – OIA to WS “how many notifications under section 199” Notifiable disease in the public, not at work – Used HWSA at their peril

39:15 Liz: Section 199 subsection 2, name given to WS but only from work related notifiable disease – Only under section 199 can names be given to the regulator – Not for vax lists – Parallels with nazi law making – Terrible Mengele stories of injections – mRNA is experimental

45:04 Liz & Erika & Soldiers claim: 1840 common law came to NZ and slavery was abolished – Trade in slavery abolished in England 1804 – William Wilberforce - Erika’s exhibit experience – Māori Battalion and enlistment – Conscription – Iwi paying $50 to community that went to get jabbed propaganda – Discharge Soldier Settlement Act, Wayne shares his knowledge

53:10 Liz: Liz analysis of 1649 mentioned in court – Judge Zohrab with Dave Richardson – All kings thereafter are traitors - 1835 Declaration of Independence knocked out because William the 3rd would too be a traitor – Treason documents annul too – Read The Declaration of Independence – Liz discusses the significance of 1649 Act, Charles the second actually made a promulgation that said that the laws of the interregnum were to be legally forgotten – They were republished in 1908 and we've got them in three volumes in Otago University Law Library

01:00:09 Liz: Open chat – International & national happenings – 1649 discussion

01:09:36 Liz: Imperial Laws Application Act 1988, Schedule 1, Imperial enactments in force in New Zealand, Constitutional enactments – The law never disappears – Liz further analysis of 1649 Richardson rates case, because it's not an argument about statute where statute applies and it's not a not argument about appearing in courts, the courts are very valid and that's the only place we're gonna be heard

01:10:33 Open chat to end

Content links:

Mike Bush police commissioner and Covid-19 response executives

Mainstream article - Clarke Gayford: New Zealand police deny PM's partner is under investigation

Transcript for NMT 1: Medical Case - This is the trial transcript for the first of the Nuremberg Trials

Public Health under the Third Reich



Section 168 (4) Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Powers of entry and inspection
(4) Despite subsection (1)(e), if all or any part of the information relates to a person’s health status and identifies the person, an inspector must not, without that person’s consent,—
(a) require the production of information; or
(b) examine the information; or
(c) make a copy of, or take an extract from, the information.

Section 199 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Requirement of medical officer of health to notify regulator of work-related notifiable disease or hazardous substances injury

Section 74 Health Act 1956 - Health practitioners to give notice of cases of notifiable disease

William Wilberforce

Court action follows Tasman couple’s refusal to pay rates based on 1649 proclamation

'Charles II, 1661: An Act declaring the sole Right of the Militia to be in King and for the present ordering & disposing the same.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1628-80, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), pp. 308-309. British History
Online http://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol5/pp308-309

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1628-80, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History
Online http://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol5

January 1649: An Act prohibiting the proclaiming any person to be King England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof.

Act abolishing the Office of King (1648/9, March 17. Scobell, ii. 7. Gardiner 384-387.)

America's Founding Documents - Declaration of Independence: A Transcription

Imperial Laws Application Act 1988, Schedule 1, Imperial enactments in force in New Zealand, Constitutional enactments

From the chat

Panama Papers


Non-publication orders
[188] GF applied for permanent non-publication orders in respect of their name and identifying details. The application extended to the names and identifying details of the witness I have referred to as SW and other employees who attended the meeting on 29 April 2021, and the names of the ports at which GF worked. Customs took a neutral position on the application.

[189] I approach the issue on the following basis.

[190] The Court has a broad power under sch 3 cl 12 of the Employment Relations Act to order that “all or any part of any evidence given or pleadings filed or the name of any party or witness or other person not be published,” subject to such conditions as the Court thinks fit. While the discretion is broad, it must be exercised consistently with applicable principles. The principle of open justice is a principle of fundamental importance. It forms the starting point for determining whether the circumstances of a particular case justify an order for non-publication. A party applying for such an order must establish that sound reasons exist for the making of an order of non-publication, displacing the presumption in favour of open justice.

[191] The discretionary exercise involves the Court balancing other interests with the fundamental principle of open justice. The discretion must also, of course, be exercised consistently with the objectives of the legislative framework that applies in this specialist Court. These objectives include the need to support successful employment relationships and to address the inherent inequality of bargaining power between employers and employees. In this regard the significant detrimental impact that publication of the names of parties, or even witnesses, can have on their ongoing prospects of employment, regardless of the outcome of the case, is a factor which has become increasingly well recognised in this jurisdiction as relevant to the weighing exercise the Court is required to undertake in order to arrive at a just outcome in a particular case.

[192] GF’s application highlighted a concern that, if identified, they may be a magnet for unwanted attention. That concern is reasonable having regard to the matters at issue in this case and the strong opinions that some hold about vaccination status. There is no general public interest in knowing GF’s name – it adds nothing to what is already contained within this judgment, which the public do have a legitimate interest in knowing. I issued interim non-publication orders in these proceedings having regard to such issues and I consider that the same concerns warrant permanent orders having regard to the overall interests of justice.

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