Article Video - The Truth Shall Set You Free - Saturday, July 1, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Truth Shall Set You Free - Saturday, July 1, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Did you ever wonder about the "Dark Ages"---the biggest media black-out in all of human history?

How about the meaning of the Jolly Roger flag?

King Arthur?

The Knights Templar-- that is, the Fraternal Order of John the Baptist?

Why is our country's capitol known as Philadelphia--- the City of Brotherly Love?

There is a missing key, a crucial understanding, a piece of history that we obviously don't know --- something that has been ruthlessly suppressed since the days of Edward Long Shanks in England (1184 AD) and the burning of Glastonbury, England, that took place during his reign.

That missing key is the ancient proto-Hebraic language of Negeth, the Kolbrin Bible, and the Knights Templar.

Many years ago, by accident though there are no accidents, I discovered the Tamar - El, a small ancient sect of people in the Middle East, also known by other names, and described since Roman times as The Reed People, because during the destruction of Judea by the Romans, they fled into the swamps and lived among the reeds.

These people speak an extremely ancient language known as Negeth among themselves, though they speak street languages when they interact with the modern world.

Negeth is the same language that gave rise to Hebrew and Aramaic. It is the language of the petroglyphs and the "talking stones" of Illinois, Ethiopia, and Peru. It is related to the written language of Easter Island, known as RongKong. It is the language of the Arthurian Legend and the crystalline Heart of the Rose.

We have been unable to place things in their proper context and time frame because all this knowledge was suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church and the Monarchs that owe their monarchies to it.

The role of the Mercenaries, also known as the Templars, in all of this, is simple enough.

At a crucial time in history, while busy developing the first international bank, the Templars discovered the Tamar-El in the Middle East, and, back home in western Europe, they realized that they had the supporting documents affirming what the Tamar-El told them, documents which, taken together, form the Kolbrin Bible.

The Kolbrin Bible is written in Negeth.

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