Article Video - The Salt Fraud - Sunday, May 21, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Salt Fraud - Sunday, May 21, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

Much of what we have been considering has focused on garden variety forms of fraud carried out on a massive scale.

We've seen the bait and switch of one Presidential Office for another, the bait and switch of one State-of-State business organization for another, and even the bait and switch of Constitutional and limited governments replaced by rapacious territorial governments run by foreign, for-profit Municipal corporations in the business of providing government services.

We've seen these substitution schemes carried on in endless variety, even down to the level of personal identity. The living people have been impersonated by infant decedent estates and subjected to non-consensual trustee relationships with members of a foreign professional association whose members operate as Executors de Son Tort -- pillaging the estates of the living victims however they see fit.

The members of the Bar Associations have acted as tax collectors for Rome since the Second Century BC, and came to Britain as the Companie of Merrie Men in the waning days of Elizabeth I. Since then they have spread throughout the world, bringing the same legalistic and linguistic fraud schemes and constructive artifices with them.

They take their portion off the top, and remit the rest to the British Monarch, who takes their cut, and who then forwards the rest to the Holy See, which distributes the majority of the loot from this system however it pleases--- typically assigning a portion to reinvestment, a portion to humanitarian works, and a portion for administration.

We have established this from the bank transfer records.

All of this mimics a much older system of governance, that of Imperial Rome. No Classics scholar can miss this point.

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