#疫苗灾难:20230629 安德鲁·韦克菲尔德: #麻疹 已经与大规模疫苗接种59年前的那种疾病完全不同。

11 months ago

#疫苗灾难:20230629 安德鲁·韦克菲尔德: #麻疹 已经与大规模疫苗接种59年前的那种疾病完全不同。Boca Raton一家输血单位评估发现,麻疹病毒抗体滴度下降3倍,而天然麻疹献血者仍保持良好的中和抗体水平。疫苗不再具备保护力,这个逃逸突变株,正是 #疫苗导致。(中英双语机器字幕)

Andrew Wakefield: A study from a blood transfusion unit in Boca Raton evaluating measles virus antibody titers revealed an alarming 3-fold decline over the 59 years following mass vaccination, while donors exposed to natural measles maintained excellent levels of neutralizing antibodies.
“This is really alarming. These ostensibly healthy individuals had no neutralizing antibody to measles virus.”
“This is an escape mutant ... It’s the vaccine that got us into this problem in the first place, and it will not get us out of it … it’s a very, very concerning situation.”

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