$1 Million A Month With ECOM At 21 | Lester Javelona

1 year ago

This week I sat down with Lester Javelona who became a millionaire at the age of 19 years old through dropshipping. This podcast will give you a real insight into someone who’s grafted since his early teens to make it in this space. It certainly hasn’t be easy. Now at 21 he’s doing $1 million plus a month and is on track to scale that to 2-4 million a month over the next 12 months.

Apply for ECOM Mastermind: https://frankielee.aweb.page/p/5f58c3ef-afbc-4a68-9430-30891ccfa5df

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You can watch or listen to our first episode on how he scaled to $350k a month here:

Youtube: https://youtu.be/i7628xdRXWQ
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0LmhmnQHI1RUtoB5E7nuiE?si=e2ac75c2658e421a
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/73-lester-javelona-how-to-find-your-why-create-%24300k/id1499976183?i=1000550238306

As always I hope you get mad value from this episode.

Guest: https://www.instagram.com/lesterjavelona/

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