FX CHAIN: STACKING Overdrive + Fuzz (WAMPLER Tumnus + Electro-Harmonix Op Amp Big Muff Pi)

1 year ago

Another stacking video using the WAMPLER Tumnus overdrive going into the Electro-Harmonix Op Amp Big Muff pi fuzz pedal.

Typically for signal chain order it's recommended to have the fuzz first before all other pedals, but placing the overdrive before the fuzz in this combo sounds much better than having the OD after the fuzz. The overdrive going into the fuzz sounds like a very clean and amazing boost, whereas the overdrive after the fuzz doesn't sound good at all.

This is why I don't usually conform to every single "rule" when it comes to signal chains and it should be left up to you how you want your sound. Yes, there are some DO's and DON'Ts, but overdrive + fuzz placement is one of those things where you can experiment with the order depending on what you're using.

00:00 - Intro RIFF
00:48 - Electro-Harmonix Op Amp Big Muff + WAMPLER Tumnus overview
03:42 - Op Amp Big Muff + Tumnus demo

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