Debunking Leftist myths on the model minority & Asians | Adam Ruins Everything, Destiny, racism

1 year ago

Did Asian immigration create the model minority. Destiny (Steve Bonnell), Adam Ruins Everything and Carissa Avallone thinks so as well as various other pundits.
Racism, particularly the systemic kind, has often been a contentious topic in America. The United States’ historical treatment of African Americans through slavery and Jim Crow has been argued to still affect the present-day black community and is responsible for significant racial disparities such as median incomes. Conservatives have responded to this by pointing out that Asian Americans on average have higher household incomes than White Americans. From this, it has been surmised that Asians, a racial group who have also faced systemic discrimination in the past, have overcome this barrier which further indicates that the racial disparities between whites and blacks cannot be explained by racism.

While you don’t hear this everywhere, its getting popular. Even my buddy Layman agreed with Carissa in her livestream about this. So, are Destiny, Carissa Avallone and Adam Ruins Everything correct that Asian immigration to the US is extremely qualified? And how would we check it? Well, Arthur Sakamato and Sharron Xuanren Wang are gifted academics who I would really recommend as their work helped me with a previous video. Though, I probably butchered their names so sorry for that. And for this video, I am using their paper “Deconstructing Hyperselectivity”.
Hyperselectivity refers to immigrants being significantly more likely to possess university/college degrees than non-migrant inhabitants of their own countries of origin. And the current state of Asian immigration to the US has been described as hyperselective. For example, only 5% of the Vietnamese population hold a bachelors degree but more than a quarter of Vietnamese immigrants have a bachelors degree and 51% of Chinese immigrants had graduated from college yet only 4% of adults in China did the same. You can tell from the percentages that Chinese immigrants are extremely hyperselective and more highly educated than the general U.S. population. Though it isn’t explicitly stated in the literature, the implication of hyperselectivity is that Asian immigrants to the US generally possess a higher-class status than the average citizen of their home country, so these hyperselective immigrants have imported middle class-specific values rather than ethnic cultural values of hard work and striving for education. So how valid is the hyperselectivity hypothesis?

It is true that Asian immigrants are disproportionately college educated. However, most of these immigrants obtained their college or University education in the US. The 1.25 generation as defined by Sakamato and Xuanren Wang are Asian immigrants who graduated from High School but came to the US to attend College or University. The 1.5 generation are defined as immigrants but who came to the US at a young age so were primarily educated in America.
Original video:
Household Income by race Statista:
Adam Ruins Everything Model Minority video:
Carissa Avallone Stream:
Destiny debate on Systemic racism:
Arthur Sakamato Sharron Xuaren Wang Hyperselectivity Article:
Educational attainment of Asian Americans before 1965:


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