"Let them make peace with ME." (Isaiah 27:4b-5)

1 year ago

Can't call good evil and evil good. Evil is evil. Good is good. Inverting the two and suddenly we're back at the whole fruit thing again, which will we take, the fruit of "knowledge of good and evil", and declaring which is which for ourselves or eating from HIS fruit tree, being part of HIS Living Vine, HIS vineyard. It sounds horribly difficult, more so in our culture, doesn't it? Simply, "Make peace!" How do we do that, by doing what our culture doesn't want to do, admit to when we make a mistake and trust that GOD doesn't, won't, and isn't the type to hold it over our heads. Religion does that, cruelty does that, un-forgiveness does that, not our GOD. HE Loves, HE Loves and loved so much that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, once and for all, and whoever believes in HIM shall not perish, rather they shall have everlasting life!

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