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Bill Gates and Malaria Mosquito

1 year ago

I don't trust this evil Man


  • 0/2000
  • Hospital visit= Doctors payout=Big Pharmaceutical payout=pharmaceutical meds to treat symptoms with drug side effects that now effect the nervous system and other parts of the body. This is a slow death and makes the Doctors richer and Big Pharma rich. Most all drugs say on the label, "Temporarily Relieves Symptoms." Some Drugs are ok, like antibiotics for infections but also has side effects. This Malaria rise is man made and again spreads the disease to make humans ill and who benefits the Global empire and who are the wicked servants. 1) Scientists 2) Doctors 3) Big Pharma/Pharmaceutical companies 4) CDC and other Organizations. 5) Health coverage=Inflation raises/Higher premiums and restrictions to genetic illness. 6) Politicians/Bureaucrats 7) Restriction Agencies This is where you tax dollars and hard-working money goes. This is why politicians create, make and fight one another on policies and restrictions. This is ow their evil regime operates. Luke in the New Testament was a physician/Doctor, but later became a writer and a follower of Jesus Christ. Luke saw the miraculous healings and soon later stopped his practice as a doctor/physician, Why? Luke had the revelation from the Word Of God, the testimony of Jesus, the healings that Jesus performed and God's written promise. As God Says, "I SENT MY WORD AND HEALED ALL YOUR DISEASES" (Infirmities, meaning physical, emotional, and spiritually.)." Doctors are good for things highly need for sowing us up when we get cut wide open or have physical injuries. But God said clearly in Isaiah that he designed to live the life like the oak trees=100 plus years. I've known for years that Bill Gates is evil. Think about Canada is on fire and I mean all over Canada. Smoke flowing into our country. What is really in the smoke. Remember the Deep State is about Depopulation power of control and destruction and of a One World Government Rule. The Evil regime know that to get millions sick. Cont.....

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  • Why did God say in his word to Peter, that everything made by Him (God) was blessed. God never said cursed but blessed. God wants us to rely on His word, not the word of man as it is useless and unprofitable. Man forms his religion, (Science Etc. is religion) and God gave us His Gospel of Truth= His Son and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ's life for ours to give us life, freedom, and hope. That's why I say always back up everything with the Word Of God. Because if it doesn't align to God's word then it is a lie and useless. This is how you see the tree known by its fruit. Now we can see the wickedness furthered by man and his crafty schemes that oppose the Word of God. All this corruption from Bill Gates and malaria and other illnesses and once again goes back to the 10 stages of genocide that I have spoken many times about. From Medications to illnesses and diseases, to big tech, big pharma corporate entities to governments to tv, radio, and phones is all about MK ultra mindset. This was all about brainwashing and living under the cabals lies and dictatorships for 158 years. The Cabal is the evil driven force from hell that hates God's anointed and chosen Nation next to Israel, America the Beautiful. God is waking up everyone from tyrannical dictatorship and control. God is healing us all from the witchcraft and rebellion from the Cabals evil lies. We are coming out of the matrix system the cabal created. This is why the Democrats and Rhino Republicans say, "Our Democracy is at risk." They don't want their evil controlled doctorship money laundering and manmade sicknesses to end, they want tit to continue on so they can keep themselves enriched with wealth and full of power to control and to choose what nation suffers what sickness or illness they will send their way. This is Tyranny. I'm just sharing my revelation to hope those who believe wake up and see the reality and Truth. Follow the light as it leads us out of the deep pit of destruction and despair. Truth!

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