Newt Gingrich | March to the Majority Restoring President Reagan's Values #newtgingrich #history

1 year ago

Order Newt's Latest Book: March to the Majority: The Real Story of the Republican Revolution!

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One of the reasons I'm really proud of my new book, March to the Majority, is that it brings Ronald Reagan's achievements and Ronald Reagan's values back into public awareness. The fact is, the Contract with America, which was the key to our great victory in 1994, the first House Republican majority in 40 years. The key was the contract.’s ten big ideas, all of which came from Ronald Reagan. In 1965 running for governor. Reagan proposed welfare reform. In 1996, 31 years later, we passed welfare reform and Bill Clinton signed it. The most successful conservative program in our lifetime. Now, millions went to work, their children had better incomes, It was the best anti-poverty program for children ever passed. The lessons of how to do it, the playbook of how to be effective are to be found in March to the Majority. It's much more than a history book. It's a book about things that can be done right now in 2023 and 2024. And that's why I recommend it so strongly. #news #newtgingrich #newbook #bestseller #marchtothemajority #americanvalues #ronaldreagan #presidentreagan #speakerofthehouse #ushistory #usgovernment #uscongress #houseofrepresentative #politics #gettingthingsdone #workingtogether #lessonsfromreagan #balancedbudget #welfarereform

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