Temple City Solar Install. Testimonial by K. DUH

11 months ago

Our business, Green Home Systems, recently completed a solar install for a customer in Temple City, CA. The customer, Karen D., was very pleased with the results.
The main reasons she chose us were our financing options, performance and durability guarantees, and competitive pricing. We were able to provide her with an affordable payment plan that would reduce her utility bill and increase the value of her home.
The solar panel brand we used was Panasonic, and the inverter make was Enphase. We faced some challenges during the install, but our team was able to overcome them and provide the customer with a high-quality solar system.
The customer was very satisfied with our service and was happy to have chosen Green Home Systems for her solar needs. We are proud to have helped her save money on her utility bill and increase the value of her home.
Website: https://www.greenhomesystems.com
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grnhomesystems/

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