Recently Completed Solar Project by Green Home Systems in Pasadena. Testimonial by J. Fenstermaker

1 year ago

Our business, Green Home Systems, recently completed a solar project for a customer in Pasadena, CA. The customer, Jeffrey F., chose us for our competitive pricing and our BBB accreditation. The project was to install a 10.22 kW grid tie-in solar panel system with Panasonic solar panels and an Ironridge racking system.
The reason for going solar was to reduce the monthly utility bill. We worked with the customer to determine the best system size and type of solar panel system for their needs. We also helped them choose the best brand of solar panels and racking system for their budget and goals.
The installation process went smoothly, and we were able to complete the project within a couple of months. The customer was very happy with the results and has already seen a significant reduction in their monthly utility bill.
Get Your Share Of The Sun Today!
As solar is on track to become the mainstream alternative energy source, and the installation costs are historically low, there is no room for a delay to go green.

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