my "comedy" is way more about being defective than brilliant

1 year ago

don't worry we are parked
i always try to be brief but you know how we are
you know that this party don't stop
i could be up til 7am singing in my kitchen
the normies are a buncha scaredy cats
do you ever consider the fact that that might be your lack
the people that run things aren't too good
those around you aren't much better than those that run shit
a sad sorry fact about the world that you live in
i've made the attempt that most will not make
how do i have room to think that i'm so much better than you
my talent happens to be chasing intuition wanting to know lotza things
so much we can do if we apply information correctly
they won't look up anything that will help them out in the long run
burning in Hell isn't fun, hon'
the metaphor is bad enough i'm trying to help you ad infinitum
in the short term it's not fun i know trust me
instant gratification
it was working wasn't it and then i had to fuck it up
no cymbal, it's too much amy
i seem so focused right now
my time signatures are always off haha

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