20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 102)

1 year ago

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:01 {God Lied 4 Times??} I’ve recently had someone use Jeremiah 20:7, Matthew 16: 28, the lack of immediate death in Genesis 3, and Cain’s exile in Genesis 4 as “evidence” that God is a liar. How would you respond?
2. 38:46 {Animal Death Before the Fall?} If animal death occurred prior to the fall, wouldn’t that mean God called animal death/suffering “very good?” If we later see a wolf dwelling with a lamb, wouldn’t that indicate that prior to the fall, that was what we had enjoyed?
3. 45:12 {Avoid the Appearance of Evil?} You recently said, "Scripture says: avoid the appearance of evil." I was wondering, if 1 Thessalonians 5: 22 is the verse you were thinking of, isn't that verse referring to staying away from partaking in evil, not abstaining from things that look like you're partaking in evil to others?
4. 48:19 {Human Souls vs. Animal Souls} Does Ecclesiastes 3: 18-21 teach that there is no difference between the spirits of humans and those of animals? I’ve heard this claim from those who reject an immortal soul.
5. 55:07 {Has Jesus Always Had a Physical Body?} What form did Jesus exist in before He was conceived in Mary’s womb? Did He have a physical body before that?
6. 57:27 {Evangelism Required for Salvation?} Is our salvation based not only on being saved and accepting Jesus into our life and believing in Him, but also on a need to be spreading the Word of God (the Bible)?
7. 1:01:37 {Is Repentance a Change of Mind?} If repentance (metanoia) literally means “change of mind,” then why do we say repentance means changing our mind/attitude about sin? Why isn't it changing our minds from unbelief to belief?
8. 1:04:16 {Theocracy & Theonomy} Could Christ's commission to disciple the nations in Matthew 28: 19 mean the Christianization of countries and nation-states, or does it apply only to individual people?
9. 1:11:18 {Will We Judge Angels?} 1 Corinthians 6:3 states that we will judge angels. What do you think Paul means by this, and is there any other reference about us judging angels?
10. 1:14:18 {Cursing & Blessing in the OT} When prophets such as Elisha cursed or blessed people, was it God who put it in their minds to do that, or did they have a Spirit-given ability to do such things without having to consult Him?
11. 1:18:00 {Does the HS Help Us or Take Over?} Does the Holy Spirit enhance who we are, as in assisting us in Godly behavior? Or does He, at times, take over completely so that we behave, see, and feel things opposite of our ungodly flesh?
12. 1:24:20 {The Purpose of Scripture in Eternity} Matthew 5: 18 seems to say some Scripture will pass away at the end times, but Matthew 24: 35 appears to contradict this. What use might we have for Scripture in the next life where there is no temptation to sin?
13. 1:27:55 {Are We to Administer Revenge Ourselves?} Someone said it was okay to exact revenge on pedophiles, and they used Matthew 18:6 to justify it. Is that what this Scripture really means or allows for?
14. 1:32:14 {Death on the New Earth?} Why is there a reference to death and a lifespan (albeit a long one) in Isaiah 65: 20 when speaking of the New Earth?
15. 1:34:37 {Will We Remember our Lives in Heaven?} Do you think we will remember our earthly lives in Heaven, given that there is nothing negative in Heaven and this world is so full of negative things and memories?
16. 1:40:24 {The Serious Sin of Blasphemy} Why do so many Christians take the Lord’s name in vain? I know several Christians (even two pastors) who do this often. Should we tell them they’re in sin?
17. 1:43:25 {What did Jesus Mean?} What do you think Jesus meant when He said "The first shall be last and the last shall be first" in Matthew 20: 16?
18. 1:46:53 {Can our Conscience make Sex a Sin?} My question is about stronger vs. weaker consciences. Is it possible to make sex into a sin, and if so, how should the "strong" treat the "weak"?
19. 1:53:30 {The Law of Agency} How do you respond to non-trinitarians who use the "Law of Agency" to dismiss the scriptural evidence for the Trinity in regard to Jesus, etc. claiming He is not God, but simply God's agent?
20. 1:57:21 {The Book of James vs. Jacob} I was looking at the Greek in James' epistle (1:1) and his name in the Greek is Iakobos. Why do we call it "the Book of James" if the Greek more closely resembles Jacob (Iakobos)?

Links I mentioned:
Different Christian views of the End Times https://www.youtube.com/live/xmw0uVLu...

Jesus as the Angel of the LORD • Who Is the Angel ...

My discussion about Theonomy with Joel Webbon • A rising doctrine...

A biblical case for the death penalty https://www.youtube.com/live/gf259Qv2...

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