how bad can the sound quality get...find out w/ ag!

1 year ago

this is driving me mad
i come across as a total cunt sometimes we know
i've always been contrarian
society's eventuality is obviously suicide
nobody can swallow their pride
don't have to be engaged in sodomeh to be prideful
i'm a little mindful that's why i don't agree with anything related to ass
i wish i didn't feel that way but alas...
sometimes i wish i could just be like everyone else
the tv distracts us from that good ole fashioned existential crisis
every predicament that you end up in is a clever disguise thanks to that damn ego
oh thank God i'm so sari vortex!
my teenage years were my gory days
binge drinking n stealing shit n many more bad decisions
people in the world are generally pretty black or white
propaganda works, man
i am the rugged individualist still
systems fuck everything up but the people are really to blame since they just go along to get along and don't try harder to check out of a rigged system
socialism is operating under the false pretense that people won't get greedy
capitalism vs. socialism
they both exploit human nature, it's just that capitalists make $ it really is the only perk
...but then they just get called uncle toms

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