Shamima begum (Are the rumours true?)

1 year ago

While Begum will be disappointed by the decision. The rumours of the alleged crimes whilst in Syria. These accusations can ONLY be dealt with by the country where the alleged crimes were committed.

While some don't believe that she was trafficked, Begums Trafficking began in Turkey. that is where she met with her contact.

So her only crime that the UK courts should be prosecuting begum for, is that she joined a terror group and that she travelled on a stolen passport.

Any crimes alleged or otherwise need to be dealt with in the country where the offences were committed.

The uk needs to STOP trying to get her back into the UK, at least until she is found not guilty in a Syrian court.

Now if someone committed a crime and their country wanted her back in that country, which would result in that person not being punished for the alledged crimes.

So would you allow the deport, or would you want the person to face justice where the crimes were committed.

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