1 year ago

As Shamima Begum has today lost her appeal for British citizenship, it’s worth taking a look at what the leading lights of His Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition, have had to say on the matter:

Leftie lawyers backing Begum is no surprise:

Keir Starmer, as seen above, said the Home Secretary made the “wrong decision” on the case. He then agreed the decision was a recipe for “moral cowardice of the worst sort”.
Emily Thornberry wanted to “bring her back to Britain”.
They were not alone:

Lisa Nandy and Nick Thomas-Symonds backed her return to the UK.
Jo Stevens called the removal of Begum’s citizenship “pathetic posturing”.
Diane Abbott said the government’s actions were “morally reprehensible”.
Jeremy Corbyn defended Begum’s right to remain in Britain, saying she deserves our support.
All eyes now on how captain hindsight will find a way to revise his line…

To be fair, not all members of the shadow cabinet were so full-throated in their terrorist sympathies. Yvette Cooper dodged questions on Begum – admitting it was a “matter for the courts”. Presumably, now the courts have upheld the decision, she agrees the government took the right approach…

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