Twin Flame Summer Solstice You Are A Capable Human Being Union for the True Twin Flame Journey

1 year ago

In the Video Cards, Talk about the Twin Flame Summer Solstice and how it marks a new chapter in your divine masculine journey. As you travel into the masculine realm during this time, you are also taking on a sacred union with your twin flame.

This is an important time to reflect on your twin flame journey and to recognize your capabilities as a human being. You are a capable human being who is capable of creating your own happiness and joy. Be sure to celebrate the Twin Flame Summer Solstice with gratitude and intention!
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and occurs around June 20-22 in the Northern Hemisphere.
During the summer solstice, the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer, which is positioned at 23.5° north of the equator. This results in the longest period of daylight and shortest period of darkness during the year.

The summer solstice marks the beginning of summer, and is celebrated in different ways by different cultures around the world. For example, Sweden's Midsummer celebrations include dancing around a maypole and feasting with family and friends.
In ancient times, the summer solstice was considered a time of great spiritual significance, and many ancient civilizations built monuments to align with the solstice sunrise or sunset.

From a spiritual perspective, the summer solstice is believed to be a powerful time for twin flames, who are considered to be two halves of one soul that are destined to come together. The energy of the solstice is said to activate and magnify the connection between twin flames, allowing them to come into alignment with each other on a deeper level.

During the summer solstice, it is believed that twin flames may experience an intensified sense of spiritual awakening and transformation, as well as an increased sense of union and harmony. This can be a time for twin flames to focus on their inner work, release past patterns and blockages, and open themselves up to deeper levels of love and connection.
Twin Flame Summer Solstice New Phase in the Twin Flame Journey
True Twin Flames Are Drawn to Each Other
You have the ability to Create The Life You Want
You Are A Powerful Capable Human Being
Align Yourself with the Universe's Devine Design
Inner Spiritual Work Development is Happening
Your Traumas are uprooted and karma is being healed
Time of spiritual growth awakening and Spiritual Transformation
Your Twin Flame Journey is Divinely guided
Stay Positive Trust the Divine to Lead You To a Bright future with Your True Twin Flame

##readingtwinflames,#soulmate,#twin,#divine #femininetwinflame #diyaffiliatesouljourney
00:00 Twin Flame Summer Solstice
00:12 Twin Flames Drawn To Each Other
00:24 Align Yourself With Universe Design
00:40 Healing Spiritual Growth

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