Are you knowledgeable with all the information present today?

1 year ago

Are you knowledgeable?

We’ve all heard the line, “What do YOU know?”Perhaps, it has been directed at you. The situation is generally confrontational. It’s an argument and emotions are running high. One person blurts out, “Well, what do you know?” Of course, what is actually being said is: “You don’t know anything.” The statement is being delivered in a negative way. Nonetheless, it’s a valid question—what do we know?

Basculement intuitif de soyouz//Bernard see go mars//CC-BY-SA4.0
Gravitational potential//Lamid58//CC-BY-SA4.0
Earth Moon gravitational potential//MikeRun//CC-BY-SA4.0
Gravitational potential summation//Lookang//CC-BY-SA3.0
Path Independence of work//MikeRun//CC-BY-SA4.0
Lifting work in a gravitational field//MikeRun//CC-BY-SA4.0
Gravitational force 1//Andreas Mastronikolis//CC-BY-SA4.0

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