How acknowledging care leavers and the homeless on a more meaningful level helps safeguard society.

1 year ago

I've seen it all of my life. Care leavers, homeless people and others feeling like their on the outside looking in. That's not to say that they don't have their fair share of drama in their lives too, but if you ask enough of them and take the time to listen you'll find that many of us could have helped prevent many of the tragedies going on in society, but frankly so few see the value in hearing what we know.

Sometimes people go out of their way to huge degrees too to help try and ensure that society is a safer place for everyone. But all often people from childhoods and backgrounds like myself are instantly discredited and told with different words 'what would you know?' or just a simple and unspoken disregard.

It's really not uncommon for people from backgrounds like myself to say to people in positions of authority such as the police or safeguarding roles to say "hey, there's something going on their and somebody needs to stop it" only for people that have never lived or understood such events, or just simply corrupt to raise an eyebrow, call you weird, fob it off as an anxiety or paranoia, or tell you that you must have got it wrong.

It is the story of many people, and the lessons we've failed to learn that lead to scandal after scandal that serves more purpose for the finances of television and internet media than it does to actually protect children, adults, animals and the environment.

So whilst we continue to ask ourselves why cover-up scandals happen time after time, and when we find ourselves asking why the abuse, exploitation and the same old stories continue to happen time after time, perhaps we need to start asking much deeper questions as to why.

There is simply no point in us continuing to 'make news' on such important issues without taking a real deep dive into the mechanics of exactly what is causing scandal after scandal.

If people from backgrounds such as myself were more taken seriously, and less judged and instantly disregarded, perhaps those with genuine concerns about the health and safety of our society would take our experiences as a warning and perhaps ask themselves - "What really happens when we ignore the voice of the homeless and others from world's we feel are a world away?"

I'll tell you what happens, it grows slowly into the world you know, and before you know it twenty years has gone by and all of the problems that were once constricted to the experiences of the homeless and those on the fringes of society will have suddenly become you're full-blown reality.

There will of course be no credits given to the many people out there that were trying to warn people of dangerous psychopaths, predatory people and those that are causing much pain and harm to the people within our society.

Perhaps though, it's not merely construed to the homeless, but a cry that something else is at play here, perhaps a force or something, but either way there are a lot of people out there that genuinely care, but currently it feels like more people swing towards the 'don't care' energy than not, which would be less harmful if this was just internet forums that we were talking about, but we're talking about the safeguarding infrastructure of our countries, our world.

There is no government or council that can change this, this is a human thing and perhaps a psychological struggle that we've been going through for millenia. Either way, people that haven't always had the best outcomes in life still have much to contribute when it comes to highlighting many of the dangers of society.

Why? Because often we're the first targets for exploitation, sadism and abuse. That's not to say that we just sit and put up with it, but it's such a phenomena in fact that it is not uncommon for people to feel they can exploit, abuse or be outright sick and evil towards people on the fringes of society that I have grew up in.

Unfortunately though, many will never go on to speak out like this, and perhaps won't even be in the position to make such a Youtube video. Perhaps though, if you caught such people in the right moment and listened to some of their stories, your perception and sense of urgency for protection of the world would become a lot more vivid that you'd ever imagined.


#exploitation #homelessness #sadism #coverups #scandal #survivor #whistleblowing

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