Colin Rogers ICU PT 13 For Pat ,regrets memories, love

1 year ago

So this morning at the meeting they’re concerned that Collins progression is not getting better. Basically meaning they should see it signs of improvement but they’re not seeing them. I suppose if I was to make something good out of something bad, no change, but the brain should be starting to heal and it’s not.

I’m going to be optimistic about that

Yesterday they arrested the driver I thought I was gonna feel good about it but it’s a big fat nothing burger . They won’t tell me his name even though I already know their names they won’t tell me when he’s going to be arraigned. They act like I’m the one that did something wrong. We’ve gotta be confidential we have to make the victimizers the victims….

Pat sister, Christina Gardner mentioned to me today how people could misunderstand my gift to her and Colin from the go fund me money. Trust me, Pat needs healing just like Colin needs healing. And I’m doing what I can and doing what I think is the best thing to do.

Collins go fund me

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