Melodica Mayhem

1 year ago

A solid riff can slip betwixt anythin’ you wish to think, and never sin when there’s a dream to Reed and play so hearts can say what they may mean, and never think too damn deep so sleepy time will come to me, soon to moon and ever-flutes are nothing to The Dream Reeds, bumbling, fumbling and dingle, winnable fun-for-love lots of trouble won’t free you from brain worms which will seize you, if you’re blind to their sights on the life that you lead through freedom and thoughts; better drained or siphoned off so you can’t make anything we don’t want, so you can watch, so you might accept; that’s not what we want, but for Them it’s the best, who want your power at their behest, but care-not for willing, wanting or needing. But we will take you through air, past free breathing and creativity will be dearly kept with ye, while also we shan’t give you a thing, for it’s all in your b’ing.
Dream Reed by The Mysterious Melodica Man
Composed by The Mysterious Melodica Man

Starring The Mysterious Melodica Man
Directed by Sir Lee Dwarf
Cinematography by the Sacred Scoundrel
Edited by the Sacred Scoundrel
Concept by the Sacred Scoundrel

All music and video is property of Mischa Plonsey. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

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