welcome to ranting in a field w/ ag *particular subject: BDPD/NPD

1 year ago

your host: amy gross *always
clusterB personality disorders have taken over the world at least the internet world
i used to struggle w/ bdpd but i wasn't cool w/ manipulating people, EVERY WOMAN HAS DONE THIS: she has to admit this in order to redeem herself but luckily God is forgiving!
it is most definitely an illness in relation to the manipulation tactics
*in all fairness they manipulate becuz they too have been manipulated and their dark side has taken over them manipulating their idea of themselves and "reality"
man tongue hahaha
i love the way i am talking right now
narcissists are just the worst
the coverts are obviously harder to spot but their body language and condescending comments give em away
that veneer of horseshit...so true!
always the common denominator these "victims"
empathy for sacks of shit...so true!
this is what happens when you internalize mean comments yawl
plz stop catering to these people
if you think someone is lying n manipulating situations...
twitter has managed to turn people into narcissists but it's kinda obvious as to why if you understand human behavior
i felt compelled to do this right now for some reason
you don't have to be a feminist you can still be a piece a shit
don't worry yawl i have solutions
ignore them, i know it seems impossible but it really ain't
attention validates them, you cut the grass on the lawn of their false piece of property
stop enabling these shitbags
temper tantrums...don't care
no narcissist has ever said that haha
stop feeding the vultures, they will not change
do what they've always done...keep lyin to themselves
no matter how many people they screw over...
oh this false feeling of control
everything is a transaction but it'll never be enough no matter how much they get out of it
sorry i just had to deal w/ this shit at work
CLASSIC narcissists...control freaks that hate their lives
okay i think that's enough for now

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