Leadership Biomechanics: Personal and Business Development with John MacLaren

1 year ago

In life or in business, success goes beyond just acquiring a particular skill set. Managing the challenges of a changing global landscape requires strong leadership and personnel with critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. However, more than the old ways of training and education are needed to equip young people with these skills. How can people tap into the power of their human brain to reach new heights in personal and professional development?

In this episode, John MacLaren joins Brett Henderson and Giselle Cayme. A personal and business coach, veteran transition specialist, and Navy SEAL/NSW mentor, John talks about the challenges corporations are dealing with, the importance of leadership biomechanics in unlocking true potential, and the power of the human brain in personal and business development.

John MacLaren spent the past 38 years working in the United States and worldwide as a U.S. Navy Cryptologist and a U.S. Navy SEAL in direct action anti and counter-terrorism work. After active duty, John creates Direct Action, where he develops lasting corporate culture and advanced leadership biomechanics and trains active-duty military, military candidates, and civilians.

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