NVIC Statement - 23rd Anniversary of Secret CDC Simpsonwood Meetings

10 months ago

NVIC's statement by executive director Theresa Wrangham in Atlanta during a rally on the 23rd anniversary of a secret meeting held by the CDC to discuss findings of a study on adverse events related to mercury-containing vaccines using the CDC's the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) database. The statement notes that Simpsonwood was not the first time vaccine risk information was withheld from the public and called attention to the historical context of earlier vaccine risk deception and the vaccine landscape that existed when NVIC's co-founders worked with Congress to draft and pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The statement also contains a call for Congress to restore vaccine manufacturer and vacinnator liability, as originally contained in the Act prior to Congressional amendments after the Act's passage. Read the referenced statement here - https://www.nvic.org/newsletter/june-2023/simpsonwood-statement

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