Raising Good Kids in a Bad World - Part 1

1 year ago

To learn more about Raising Good Kids in a Bad World, get our free Book, "Successful Parenting God's Way" for free: https://bit.ly/3z3HnTA Why is this free? We are determined to follow Jesus’ command to "freely give" (Matthew 10:8).

If you’re a parent, you know that God has given you a precious gift. He’s given you a new life to cherish, to nurture, to care for, and to protect. That’s a big challenge. Ours is a world filled with dangers. We see many of these obvious dangers and we’re determined to guide our children around or away from them. But we can miss more subtle.., more corrosive threats…until it’s too late. Before we realize it, our children have absorbed ways of thinking that are very different from what we intended. And we may have no idea how it happened.

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