Russian Assets and oligarchs / Prank with William Browder

1 year ago

Assuming that he is talking to the former president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, in our new edition of the "Show ViL" William Browder noted that he could "influence" the fate of the reserves of the Central Bank of Russia:

"We are talking about 350 billion dollars frozen around the world. It is simply necessary to move away from the idea that the reserves of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are somehow protected by law."

Separately, Poroshenko and Browder discussed Russian oligarchs and the extent of their influence on the country's domestic and foreign policy. "Oligarchs are a kind of helpers, they help Vladimir Putin willingly or unwittingly."

Browder's colleague, political scientist Vladimir Pastukhov (included in the register of foreign agents by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), in turn, noted that it is extremely important for the West to work with any people who have financial influence in Russia:

"The only way they can help is by supporting something privately with their money. They seem to be helping Ukraine, but they keep the door ajar all the time."

Answering the question whether the oligarchs are ready to provide financial assistance to Ukraine, Pastukhov said:

"Absolutely. If someone offers them to give up 50 percent of everything they have in favor of financing Ukraine, thereby freeing themselves from sanctions, I think that the majority will accept such an offer".

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