10 months ago


Everytime the kid returns from school ,the dog hugs him

✒️ Article by Cathy Halaszi Kawell USA
Kawell USA cares for the total welfare of your animal. We developed a new line of products based on natural extracts for animal skin and oral care for your horse, dog, cat or other furry friend. Our products are based on the best elements of nature. We add passion, love and quality in each detail to offer the best products on the market.

♥️ #Hugs feel good because they release #oxytocin, a hormone that is associated with feelings of #love, #trust, and #bonding. Oxytocin is also known as the "#cuddlehormone" because it is released when we hug, #cuddle, or #touch someone we care about.

When we hug someone, our bodies release oxytocin, which has a number of benefits, including:

▶️ Reduces #stress and #anxiety. Oxytocin helps to calm the #nervoussystem and reduce stress hormones, such as #cortisol.

▶️ Improves #mood. Oxytocin has mood-boosting effects and can help to reduce feelings of #depression and #anxiety.
Increases #feelingsoftrust and #bonding. Oxytocin helps to build trust and bonding between people.

▶️ Improves sleep. Oxytocin can help to promote sleep and improve #sleepquality.
Boosts the immune system. Oxytocin has been shown to boost the #immunesystem and help to fight off #disease.

🔷Hugs are a simple way to improve our health and well-being. They are a great way to show someone we care, and they can have a number of benefits for both the giver and the receiver.

Here are some other reasons why hugs feel so good:

🧘‍♀️They provide physical #comfort. When we hug someone, we are providing them with physical comfort. This can be helpful when someone is feeling #stressed, #anxious, or #upset.

They show #love and #support. Hugs are a way of showing someone that we love and support them. This can be helpful when someone is feeling down or going through a tough time.

They make us feel #connected. Hugs can help us to feel connected to others. This is important for our #emotional well-being.

They are a form of self-care. Hugs can be a form of #selfcare. When we hug ourselves, we are providing ourselves with physical and emotional comfort.

♥️♥️♥️So next time you need a pick-me-up, reach out for a hug! It's good for your health and well-being.

Emotional Intelligence Mental Health Foundation Richard DiPilla #veterinarians #animallovers #petproducts #equestrian

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