Apostasy Moving With Full Steam

1 year ago

The falling away is so swift that most believers are too slow to resist. The old ways of church life and faithful attendance are gone with the wind. People listen to me talk about abandonment in the faith and I must sound like I’ve lost it. No, no, no. I’ve found it. Oil in my lamp stand and fire in my soul is my life and I love it. Any moment God will honor His faithful children with signs that shake the world it cannot fail.

My heart aches because so many who once walked in Holy Ghost power are now barely lukewarm. I suggest only 20 percent or less of Pentecostals are going in the Rapture. If the Bible standards are right (and there can be no doubt) it is heart throbbing to even think of where the church is at. Who do you know who follows the Lord’s words, “My church shall be called a House of Prayer.” (Matthew 21:13) I keep begging my family to become prayer warriors and they are too busy. I will keep calling out until I’m gone.

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