1 year ago

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1:19-Random Facts
3:39-First Topic (Random Questions)
4:00-If a man and a woman are messing around but dont live together should they help each other pay bills
5:46-Do you believe in love at first sight?
7:26-Do you believe in right person wrong timing?
9:38-Is it easier for a man to find a good woman or for a woman to find a good man?
13:54-What are some dealbreakers for you when it comes to dating?
14:35-Who is really more Emotional Intelligent?
23:25-Second Topic (Tj's Unpopular Opinions)
23:56-Unconditinal Love is not real in relationships
26:00-I don't understand why snitching is bad in certain situations
33:00-Dating someone hoping they will change is incredibly flawed and stupid
41:05-Staple Questions
41:16-What's your favorite chip?
42:29-What was your favorite subject in high school/college?
43:42-What app do you use the most?
44:02-Where is your favorite place to get sweet tea?
44:25-What is your favorite thanksgiving food?
45:01-Whats your favorite food to eat at a BBQ/cookout?
45:52-How do you eat your steak?
46:41-What is one of your biggest fears?
47:53-Who is your biggest hero?
48:21-What is your favorite fast food restaraunt?
51:28-What is your favorite restaraunt to dine in at?
54:01-Celebrity Crush?
54:44-What is your favorite cookie flavor?
57:04-Where is your favorite place to get chicken strips?
59:42-What do you like to eat in your salad?
1:00:59-Whats your favorite soda?
1:02:04-If you could move to any city where would you move?
1:04:53-What is your favorite fruit?
1:08:09-Whats your favorite day of the week?
1:08:36-Where is your favorite place to buy groceries?
1:10:48-If you could own any animal as a pet what would you choose?
1:14:26-Final thoughts

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