June 5, 2023: #JADES team showed a new image from #JWST: it's the #GOODS-South area, #AI #Video #4K.

1 year ago

June 5, 2023: the #JADES (JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey) programme team showed a new image from the #JWST: it is an area known as #GOODS-South, which has already been studied by the #Hubble Space Telescope in the past. The area is located within the #Fornax constellation, and the instrument used is the #NIRCam. More than 45,000 #galaxies are visible in this incredible image! Here is the #4K #60FPS #Video via #AI, showing every part of this image in 60 seconds.

Link to the full resolution image via AI:



Credits for image: NASA, ESA, CSA, Brant Robertson (UC Santa Cruz), Ben Johnson (CfA), Sandro Tacchella (Cambridge), Marcia Rieke (University of Arizona), Daniel Eisenstein (CfA); for image processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI). Magnification and reconstruction via AI by PipploIMP.

Credit for background audio:
https://soundcloud.com/savfk/Journey-to-the-Stars (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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