Exploring the 4 Horsemen | Tribulation Trouble

1 year ago

Calvary Community Church of Tampa Sunday AM Rewind with Pastor Jesse Martinez


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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#tribulation #7years #trouble #prophecy #salvation #bibleline #saved #endtimes #4horsemen #fourhorsemen #apocalypse #apocalyptic #4horses #fourhorses

all right let's take our Bibles and go to Daniel chapter nine I know Gary said
if he's up here next week he'll be doing dad jokes I have to forbid him from doing that because that's my whole
sermon next week okay it's the whole thing I'm trying to do it to where I can fill 45 minutes of nothing but puns of
excruciating pain I'm just kidding now next week I'm looking forward to that message I think it'll be
encouragement for for our dads and I just want to I want to preface what we're going to talk about today with uh
the recognition of how good we've got it now in this study I've been studying this on
and off for about a year now and as we've gotten closer to what I'm going to teach this series titled tribulation
trouble I become more aware of how horrible the tribulation period will be
last week we talked about all of the different things the birth pangs how things are being set up for control and
deception but what we're going to look at today is what I think is not looked at much when we talk about the
tribulation period I watched a video this week about a computer system called Humane this is so weird it's a little
clip that sits on your uh shirt and it has a little magnet back there and you know it's like a projector and it scans
things and when the guy was presenting it in his Ted Talk it's a prototype right now but rest assured the
technology is out there he had a call come in and he was just holding his hand like this and right
there on the screen it said a call from his wife you want to answer it or not and the way that he moved his finger
triggered a sensor to answer the call and you could hear it from this little device right here and it was telling you how it could like
you could bring a piece of food up to it and say hey can I eat this and it'll tell you according to what your
allergies are it's not a good idea and he said this famous line he's like but I'm still in control
and he told a little artificial intelligence device I'm going to eat it anyway and oh haha the AI said um enjoy
it and everybody yay look at this awesome technology
you can see how the deception and the control of information is going to happen through artificial intelligence
can you imagine if at Birth you are assigned a certain model of artificial
intelligence that grows with you and learns your mannerisms and learns the things that you like and it's your little companion and it sounds harmless
but the problem is that is being monitored and there's going to be a control of that information and I think
we see that now we see that with all the organizations we looked at last week and they're scary things but what I think we
don't look at is the disaster that will happen here on Earth in the form of War
famine and death and when we look today as we are exploring the four horsemen that are in
Revelation 6. I am I get overwhelmed I was driving here on the way to church and I was I
was moved to the point of tears at this one phrase the grace of God
we are living before this time we are not going to go into this time but the reason why I was moved is
because there are people who because they love sin because they love themselves they will reject
Jesus and they will go into this period and two things will be true of them they will either die in the first three
and a half years or they will be deceived by the Antichrist and be made to make war with the Son of
God as he comes back and they will die then everything that we're trying to do in
this life is to preserve Our Lives we want to eat healthy so we can live longer we want to set up money in our
account so we that so we can enjoy that we live longer we're trying to do everything that we
can to sustain our lives but I think it's amazing to see that right now in this time the only true definition of
life is in the death-brown resurrection of Jesus Christ and I don't think a lot of Christians understand that and
appreciate that Revelation is not studied much it's not a part of our normal routines you know
we're we live in the New Testament we live in encouragement we live in this opportunity to walk in the spirit and
not fulfill the lust of the flesh but there is a very very present reality and I think we can hear the seconds ticking
down until this reality comes to pass there is a very present reality in this in which this world will not look the
same I I can't even describe it you see all of these superhero movies that try to
explain to you you know all this this these massive disasters and things invading from the outer space and stuff
I don't think we have to worry about the things that are happening outside of the world and tribulation period this world is going to it it will not be
recognizable and we have to recognize right now as we sit here in this room those of us who
have put our trust in Jesus Christ we are truly blessed regardless of what circumstances
followed you in here today you're not going to be in the tribulation period and you should thank God for that we really should because as I look at it
I was I was thinking about texting Trent because he does all of the uh slides and stuff and and I told I was thinking
about saying I gotta extend this series by like eight weeks to just look at the sheer disaster that
is going to happen here in the tribulation period And I think many people think they can be ready for it they're not they won't be ready for it
when we look at the number of people that will die in the first three and a half years in the first portion of that
with just the four seals that are opened you're talking a lot and we'll get to
that number later but at current count it's more than what we can imagine
we kind of have an idea of you know unlimited wealth everything that happened this week in the Sports World with the public International fund from
Saudi Arabia basically purchasing the PGA and you look at the number of money that they have in Investments and it's a
number that's 620 billion you know and you're like man what if they just lost a billion dollars right here at the front
door you know I was just like hey look at this uh don't worry you got 619 more
don't worry we'll take it this but boy it's you you realize you can't compete with the wealth
it's astronomical it's kind of comical in a way you're like 620 billion dollars worth of Investments yeah people are
rocking that kind of money and it all comes with control it all comes with control
and you realize there are people that stood for morals and principles and all of a sudden the money became
overwhelming and they cave to the money so we can set we can see where the deception is going to happen but you
can't stop what's going to come in these four horsemen you can't stop it the destruction is going to be worldwide and
we're going to see the population drop to such a low number you can't I don't think we can picture it
we've had natural disasters that have claimed you know hundreds of lives we have horrible events like what happened
on September 11th in 2001 where it's thousands of lives but that is it is
it's the smallest drop and the largest bucket of what will happen in the tribulation period
and I think people are foolishly deceiving themselves into thinking we can make it you probably won't
you probably won't and for those who trust Christ in the tribulation period the reality of death
through martyrdom is ever present for them we see death and destruction here for
people who have Christian faith but when the whole world unites against the Christian Heads Will Roll literally
that'll be the method that John describes I wish we had time to go through all the
seals all the uh trumpets and all the vials but as we go through the series we're going to touch on a few of them
here and there but one of the most common themes is death war famine
martyrdom and these Believers that are in the tribulation period they are told you
will suffer for your faith I don't think we recognize how good
we've got it if there's one thing that I can communicate to you as we get ready to go into this series
is thank God for your eternal life thank God that you're alive now
we are living in this Sunshine age of Grace I know the world is absolutely
losing its mind we are not of the world
if you're depending on the world for your joy you're you're missing a
wonderful opportunity to depend on the word you're missing it I know that all these things are going
cuckoo crazy and every single time you open up your news app there's another headline that makes you go what after
you just said what from last week but folks
I don't want to say forget all that but we're not we're not of this world we're going to be taken out of here
and you're and and what we get to experience is where God rewards us at
the Judgment seat of Christ we have the marriage supper of the Lamb we receive our white robes those who die here in
the tribulation will be a separate group and then we're going to come back we're going to come back with Jesus
Christ as he is attacked by what little amount of population remains and then we enter into the millennial
Reign that Thousand-Year reign with Jesus Christ and we get to skip sit out of this tribulation period
I understand the love of God but I can also see the wrath of God
and I think it's wise if you as a Believer if you've already put your trust in Jesus Christ that you make sure
you're reminding people this is coming this is coming
I remember witnessing to uh you know teenage atheists in the mall when we
were in college and I would talk to these kids and some of the things we learned in our apologetics class were
thought provoking questions trying to get people to really think about what they believe and the sad reality of a
lot of teenagers today is that they don't really believe what they say they're just latching onto something for identification
social media is absolutely in everything it's in everything and these kids they come across
something that sounds really good and it's got really emotional music and they make a connection and they say that's me
and so all of a sudden now they say they're an atheist when they really have no idea what God has done for them through Jesus Christ and I remember
talking to some kids who were probably you know 17 or 18 years old
they're telling me they're an atheist and I'm asking them to explain why and they don't have an answer and you realize it's a great opportunity
to knock down these false principles that they have just adopted okay that there it's not really anything that they
believe they haven't gone through something that leads them to this conclusion it just came up on their iPhone and they liked it and added it to
something and so I started asking them with this question I'm like let's say you're right and there is no God let's just create a
hypothetical word that's true when I die as someone who believes in God the TV just turns off
the power cord is unplugged from the wall I don't even remember anything that I went through here I'm just gone I'm
annihilated just gone now let's say I'm right and you're wrong
okay well we have a Bible That's verified historically has prophecy that is fulfilled on every level
and there is a promise that those who believe receive everlasting life and
those that believe not are condemned and will stand before God give an account
be condemned as guilty and separated from him forever in a literal fire burning hell
is this a gamble have you done enough information and research to come to the conclusion that I know that's not real
and you start seeing kids Minds honesty come through no I haven't
no I have not thought these things through I just saw a well-edited highly produced video that lasted 40 seconds
and I'm willing to latch my entire life on it
statistics show as people get older they get more conservative why because you start smelling the coffee
you start recognizing these Progressive ideals are things that will never come
to pass the word does that
the word does that so if you as a bible-believing Christian in a church
that teaches the Bible amen you come across truths of what's going to happen in the tribulation period it's proper
motivation it's proper motivation for people trust in Jesus Christ today so you won't
be there on that day amen because they will die they will die
whether it's in the beginning the middle or at the very end death for those who reject Jesus Christ is guaranteed in the
tribulation period there are some scary things that we're going to look at in second Thessalonians in the next few weeks about the deception that God is
going to allow people to fall into it'll be so easy to take the mark of the
beast you're going to be looking at the guy who's got all the answers supposedly
you get caught up into that system and if you're not killed in the Supernatural events you'll be there looking at Jesus
Christ coming back in great power and glory and you will make war with him and then you'll die and give an account for that
why not believe today why delay I think it's good you want to find
answers and see the truth but the truth is that God loves you and he has long suffering not willing that any should
perish but that all would come to repentance a change of mind about what they're trusting in to get to heaven
when I was 12 years old my mind changed from I gotta be good enough to I can never be good enough and Jesus took my
place so I put my faith in Jesus Christ right there in that moment and I was sealed as the Bible says I'm still with
the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption no matter what future of was true for me the blood of Christ is
applied to my account Hallelujah I'm going to heaven kicking
or Screaming or singing his Praises I'm going I won't be here for this absolute
catastrophe that we will see there are three things that we need to
talk about today one of them is the four horsemen but we've got to talk about two things beforehand so that you properly
understand what the tribulation period is for I've heard pastors absolutely miss the point in that the tribulation
period is God pouring out his wrath on the world this is to this is to finalize
what Israel has done and that they have rejected their Messiah the tribulation period the world is a casualty to the
wrath of God upon his people now we're not a part of his people we're
a separate thing a new thing as Paul says in Ephesians chapter 3 we are now part of the body of Christ where there
is no Jew and Gentile where there is no bond or free where this one body now and so we're living in this time of Grace
Grace Grace and that we get to add to that body we get to actually do works that God will
reward and when the time for the tribulation comes to pass and it's ready
we're gone we're out of here this is not for us the tribulation period is gone finishing
a prophecy that was first given in Daniel and it's seven years long we're going to
talk all about that right now Daniel chapter nine if you have your Bible Daniel chapter nine we're going to start
in verse 24 and read through into 27. 70 weeks are determined upon thy people
and upon thy Holy City to finish the transgression to make an end of sins and
to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in Everlasting righteousness
and to seal up the vision in Prophecy and to anoint the most holy 25 know therefore and understand this is
something that is being said with the intent of the reader to understand I don't like
when people get in their books and they get their ghost writers and they get their publishing companies and they try
to hide things that God has already made clear let's let the Bible speak and any author that we read who
disagrees with the Bible Mark and avoid him amen I'm going to let the word of God say what it says know therefore and
understand that from the going forth of the Commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the prince
shall be seven weeks and three score in two weeks and the streets shall be built
again and the wall even in trouble as times and after three score in two weeks shall
Messiah be cut off but not for himself and the prince excuse me and the people of the prince
that shall come shall destroy the city in the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with the flood and unto the end
of the war desolations are determined 27. and he shall confirm the Covenant
with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause to sacrifice and oblation to cease
and for the overspreading of Abominations he shall make it desolate even until the consummation and that
determined shall be poured upon the desolate I want you to draw back into verse 24 and see where the prophecy is
focused 70 weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy Holy City
the church does not have a holy city we have a body and that is Jesus Christ
Israel has a holy city and it's Jerusalem they've been back in the land since 1948
May 14th and they are there in unbelief but the prophecies have come to pass as
it was said in Jeremiah 30 that they would be back but there would be a crying from out from inside the city as
a woman in travail the men will have their hands on their loins and they will be pale and they will be in the same
kind of pain as a woman in labor this is talking about the tribulation
period this is for Israel number two here the literal time of 70 weeks is 70 groups of
seven so it's 490 literal years that word weeks is translated literally to
sevens and you can see how it's used in other places in the Old Testament in such a way but there's a clock of 490
years that God has decreed will come to pass it will not be uninterrupted there is a
period of interruption and it is explained in verse 26 after three score
in two weeks shall Messiah be cut off 69 groups of sevens
483 years the Messiah will be cut off I explained this when we looked in our
series two years ago keep looking up as we look at the Rapture and we looked at the significance how the church will not
be there but 483 years is the exact amount of time from the decree to go and build to
when Jesus had a triumphal entry the Messiah was cut off exactly as God said he would be
and that 483 years leaves one week of that 70
and that is where we get the tribulation will be seven years
so in this we can see two things number one the time period in which the tribulation will last Jesus further
splits it into one tribulation and then a Great Tribulation
but then we can see following here that it's not for the church
now replacement theologists have a solution to this problem they replace the church that's why they're called
replacement theologians and what they say is the church is now spiritual
Israel the Bible doesn't support that view because now you have a problem you have
two separate entities the church and the body of Christ but they're really the same thing
there's a problem with the new heavens and the new Earth in that theory but a lot of people use that to say that
the church will go through the tribulation period the church although it is comprised of
Gentiles and Jews is a separate entity it's a it's called the body of Christ it
was not seen by the prophets and the important thing to note is here there is one week remaining in Israel
that is yet to be fulfilled you have to do a lot of spiritualizing which is a dangerous hermeneutic
it's a dangerous way of looking at the scripture to spiritualize things you have to do a lot of spiritualizing to come to the conclusion that the Israel
and the church are the same the Bible doesn't support that view well the Bible does support is two
separate groups and you're going to see when we get to the last message in Revelation 21 17
where it says the spirit and the bride say come this is a separate entity to those who
have suffered and died in the tribulation period as Believers of Jesus Christ
but we've got to know that this period of time in which we're living right now comes to an end at the Rapture and this
last week that is described in verse 27 the prince of the people is commonly
accepted to be the Antichrist part of this was fulfilled in 70 A.D
when Titus literally destroyed Jerusalem and ransacked it
but he did not establish a covenant with the people of Israel which is what is said will come to pass
and and that's going to last for as it says he will confirm the Covenant with many for one week and in the midst of
the week so if it's a week the middle of seven is three and a half he will have that Covenant broken he
will desecrate the temple and then as Jesus said the worst period
of time will come on the earth in that last three and a half years but what I want you to focus on here in
this 70th week of Daniel is that it is for upon thy people and
thy holy city you could make a case that Israel was the church if it didn't say thy Holy City
we the church doesn't have a holy city I think why it's put in there by the
holy spirit is to make it extremely clear Daniel is writing to his people who are in captivity
why they didn't let the land rest as God as God told them to do
they were disobedient so this punishment was decreed to come down
and it all culminated in that God sent his son the first time as a lamb
he offered the kingdom to Israel they rejected him I think for the triumphal entry a lot of movies and stuff they've
got Jesus smiling and he's all happy and all that but you know right after he comes into Jerusalem he looks out over
the city and he Weeps he weeps because they're rejecting him they say God save us now as though get
the Romans out even at the Last Supper the disciples are bickering and arguing about who will
be the greatest Jesus knew how they viewed him
and then he went to the cross and the Messiah was cut off and that 70
weeks stopped right there and we have this new thing God is doing
a new thing and you and I are part of it do you realize how I know that word privilege is thrown
around but you know it's it's accurate here the privilege we have to be a part of this new thing
I don't think we get it I think we go yeah I'm saved by grace and everything you know everything's
good it's the best it could ever be for you imagine being a believer in the
tribulation period knowing that your end is probably death that she won't be able to eat that if you have children you'll
probably watch them starve and die you'll be an outcast in society
there won't be a Facebook group on there to pray for you there won't be a food bank that you can
go to there won't be shelter that you can find
you'll be killed that's a reality for many believers in the tribulation period but you and I
lived before that time and we have the wonderful responsibility to get as many people under the sounds of the Gospel so
they don't have to go through that I know we've all got enemies and and we've got people that we don't like I
hope you don't like them so much that you withhold sharing the gospel from them
God has demonstrated his love through his son and those of us who have put our trust in him we see that wonderful love each
and every day and for those of you that are here who have yet to put your trust in Jesus Christ the only thing that I can say to
you is do not wait do not wait
I really do believe we are so so so so so so so so so so so so close
have I made my point clear incredibly immensely so so so close
all this stuff agenda 2030 all this stuff that's happening neurolink has
been approved where now they want to put a little chip in your brain to control I so crazy
so crazy it's all setting up how God is going to pour out his Wrath
on his people because they have this is the end of the transgression and at the end of that seven years
Jesus is going to come and Rule and Reign and you know what's amazing about the end of Christ's reign
on the earth here that there will be people who still reject him at that time
what that's the heart of man
I know there's that cute little phrase let your conscience be your guide uh no listen to your heart you should probably
not listen to your heart it's desperately wicked don't we see it
in our culture today it's this desire to be more and more wicked how can we be more controversial
how can we offend God more oh they're finding ways aren't they
it's very funny the very freedoms that people stand on they use to push different forms of
government that would take those freedoms away puns
Pawns of this world system I want you to see Daniel chapter 12. would you join me there for a moment Daniel chapter 12 in
verses 8 and 9. Daniel did not understand what would later be revealed to John in Revelation he says and I
heard but I understood not then said I owe my Lord what shall be the end of these things
and I believe this is the end that that last week what's going to be the end of it Daniel didn't have the understanding
but John received it he witnessed it and he said go thy Way Daniel for the
words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end The Book of Revelation details the
events of the last seven years of Daniel's 70th week and it starts with a
letter to the churches in Revelation 1 2 and 3 and then in four
John now we now sit down in the IMAX theater Through The Eyes of John and we
see this event play out there's a book and no one can open the book but the lamb stands up
he opens the book and that's where the seals begin
the next event that we need to look at as a distinction and a separator between the tribulation period and this
dispensation of Grace is the rapture of the church so look with me in first Thessalonians chapter 4.
you can let Daniel go
first Thessalonians chapter 4 in verses 16 and 17.
page 1269 verse 16 for the Lord himself shall
descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ
shall rise first draw your attention to verse 13 but I would not have you to be ignorant Brethren by the way if you're
someone who is frequently called ignorant that's not a good thing it means you lack knowledge
and so Paul is saying here I don't want you to lack knowledge my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ
about what concerning them which are asleep now there may be some of you who
just woke up because I said those of you who are asleep but we're not talking about that kind of sleep this means
those who have died that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope I cannot express to you
more how sad it is to be a part of funerals where the people who have passed away
either did not put their trust in Christ or it's not known if they did
there is a marked difference between those funerals and ones of Believers I went to a funeral of our
friend or Mel who passed away suddenly earlier this year and when I shared the gospel the death
and burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ I was able to look at those people and know that there was not a deceptive word in my mouth or a
deceptive thought in my mind when I said he is with the Lord yes I miss him
one of the great memories I have of Hormel is our first game night and he brought an entire Bingo set and I'm talking the whole thing
with the thing that your role and the the all that and he picked a number out and we were just having a great time and when people got a bingo he goes let me
see the card seize the card and everybody with baited breath anticipation leaning forward is it
verified is it verified he would look up and go that's a good Bingo and I love
that the guy I liked it liked it a lot I know that that memory I have of him is
not the last time I'll remember him being joyful he died suddenly in the hospital it was very quick
it's very sad please pray for his family especially for his wife Gala She's suffering and I say this often
the time when it's the hardest is when people no longer come to the door and they don't call you and they're not preparing you meals and you have to go
on with that seat empty it's a hard thing please pray for her but I know
because or Mel according to verse 14 for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again
even so them which sleep their dead in Jesus will God bring with him
I know at the Rapture or Mel is going to precede me he's going to get his body first and then I'm going to be gone
isn't that great to know I think a lot of Christians shackle
themselves when they look at the world and they don't they don't live this truth since this is true there should never be
a Christian who sees no joy in this world who sees
no purpose in this life we got a purpose one of the things that amazed me about
this church when I started coming was the clear Bible teaching and the joyful
anticipation of the rapture I remember learning about the Rapture and when Dr Lindstrom would say it might
be this week he wasn't setting a date but you know how he was with that stuff
I remember being in my AP World History Class of which I hated and I've been talking to my very good
friend and I was telling her listen the Bible says these things and she had trusted in Jesus Christ but didn't
understand prophecy and we were talking and I remember being scared to death as 12
or excuse me not scared of death excited as 12 noon rolled around when it would be six in Jerusalem and I thought this
could be it I could be out of this class I could skip death
this is the greatest Hall Pass I could ever be written but I did that every year
but it taught me as this says here I can have comfort that one of these days I'll
either be the ones who dot that you know one of the people who died before Christ came back and I'll still come back with
them or I'll be the one I'll be in that number that never sees death well that that gets you excited
regardless of what Target is doing or Major League Baseball is admitting into their stadiums let them do what
they're gonna do you can stay away from those things but I know I'm Gonna Be With Jesus one day
and that informs my joy that's why when I was driving to work today in my little truck I was getting
emotional because I realized this I am so blessed Hallelujah I'm blessed
because I've got Jesus this is such a wonderful Comfort but
then your heart is moved to concern when you realize what's going to happen for those that are remained
for this we say 15 unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto
the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep we won't precede them that have already died they will
be raptured first for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the Trump of God and
the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remaining shall be caught up and by the way I want you
to know we is what Paul says he didn't say you because you know what Paul was looking for the Lord to come back
you know I believe you know what Stephen was looking for after he gave an excellent message in Acts chapter 7. by
the way he was met with thundering Applause but not the kind that you want they killed him
I think he was looking for the Lord as well then this give purpose to your life
it's more than the accumulation of wealth and status it's more than having the world like you
well I see that with people and it's really sad they just do anything they can to have the world like them and they're miserable people they got no
backbones no morals to stand on may I tell you that Jesus did not say to go out and build wonderful communities
and bring the world and prepare to be ready for him he said encourage one another
because you're going to be persecuted look how Jesus's message was received they put him on a cross
the leader of a pagan government did not find him guilty and yet they still said put him up there
hmm there's the world for you nothing good in it nothing good in it verse 17 then we
which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds and meet the Lord in the air and
I want you to see this and Mark it and make sure you know it and so shall we
ever be with the Lord there is no separation for those disobedient Christians you'll
be with the Lord forever I've seen pastors weaponize the carnal
Christian's life as to say you'll be casting out her Darkness for a thousand years then this verse is not true
like I said whether you're going Kicking and Screaming or singing his Praises you'll be with him forever John John in
first John tells us I don't know what it's going to be like but I know when we shall see him we shall see him as he is
I don't see the sin nature there I don't see an a vindictive envious
wrathful Jesus beating his bride I don't see that
I see ultimate restoration I don't know what it's like to live without a sin nature but I know one day
I'll be living in that reality forever and that makes me smile I'm looking forward to it it keeps me pure while I'm
here I don't want to do things that are not true of me
I want to be shown as a trophy of his grace wherefore 18. Comfort one another with
these words how can you comfort someone when you're beating them to death
be comforted boom be comforted boom why you looking like that boom that's so
wrong that doesn't mean we turn a blind eye to sin because God will discipline
his children as it says in Hebrews it's a fearful thing trample on this gift that you have you
better be careful both John and James say you could sin to
the point where God just takes you home and you miss this opportunity to serve him
so God's not going oh I don't see it no he sees that sin and he knows what it
costs to son we shouldn't live in that way I'm looking at the clock and we're
running out of time so please make a note of First Corinthians 50 verses 58
excuse me First Corinthians 15 verses 50-58 the church is taken up before the
tribulation the tribulation is not for the church which is the body of Christ it is upon thy people and upon thy holy
city now I want you to go to Revelation chapter 4 and verses 1 through 2.
we did a study last year and I told you I'm kind of doing this each year we're going through a little bit here and
there as we study this end times prophecy because I'll be honest with you folks I
don't want to rush it I don't want to rush it and just say oh here's some bullet points and you know that's great and we forget about it in
two months because we haven't gone back to it I want to take time as we go through this book
but the first three chapters are to the seven churches and Jesus makes statements of each one some people have
read very far into this and say there's many dispensations within this dispensation of Grace I don't agree with
that but I do think the last one is the condition of the church before chapter
four happens in which John is transported into heaven and he sees this vision
I don't think this is a picture of the Rapture but it is proof that from Revelation 4 all the way until 22 and
verse 17 the church is not mentioned do you think the church meets the
description of the laodicean church there's one thing in that description of the laodicean church that just causes me
chills when Jesus says you think you're rich and you have much but you are poor
I think that describes a lot of Believers today we think we're we think we're rich
because of all the things that we have and the comfort that we have this nation is extremely rare and it
will not last may I be clear on that it will not last it's Fallen apart today
but we see here in verses one and two this vision look what it says after this after those
messages those seven messages after this I looked and behold a door
was opened in heaven and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said come
up hither and I will show thee things which must be Hereafter and immediately
I was in the spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne
Verses 4 through 11 and then all of chapter 5 describe this event where
there are there are creatures there are Elders who see this book look what it says in chapter 5 and verse 1. and I saw
on the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside sealed with Seven Seals
and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof
this is what Daniel didn't see that was being revealed to John
and it's not Seven Seals because seven is a cool number this is to demonstrate the fullness and
the power of God in his son Jesus Christ you see the seven golden candlestakes
and the Seven Stars and all this stuff all this imagery that describes of Christ so we know that lamb in in
chapter four that stands up and the beasts and the and and the elders and the angels give praise to
that lamb we're talking about Jesus Christ in the picture of how he was before in the first coming Meek lowly
obedient unto death folks when he comes back it's anything but that
and this is the beginning this is when Jesus stands up
and he will bring about wrath on the earth that will culminate in his return
this isn't Fun in games anymore forgiveness is still available to all those who will trust but there will be
punishment on Israel and it's going to be a grim time
3 verse 3 chapter 5. and no man in Heaven Nor in Earth neither Under the Sun was able to open the book neither to
look thereon and I wept John wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book neither to look
thereon and one of the elders saith unto me weep
not boy if there's some instruction for the church there excuse me instruction for the tribulation believer weep not
you're going to suffer but Jesus Christ is the king of kings and Lord of lords
Behold The Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the Seven Seals
thereof by the way this is not fight night in Madison Square Garden we're not trying to figure out who will win notice
what is described of Jesus he's already won he's already prevailed that's why he can
open the book and begin these things and I be held in low in the midst of the
throne and of the four beasts and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as it had been slain having seven horns and
seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the Earth and he came and took the book out of the
right hand of him that sat on the throne this is the father giving to the son thy kingdom come thy will be done
this is how it starts this is the day of the Lord that is culminated in his
return look in chapter six we'll get now to the
last part of our message our study the four horsemen now I want to preface this
with you're going to hear a lot of opinion as you go and study this topic and there
may be some of you who are here today who have a difference of opinion on what these things actually mean
I don't think it's the goal today to really say exactly what these things should be but you should see the result
of these things we don't see it today because we live in a world with excuse me I want to say we
live in a country with much because there are people in the world who do not live with much but we can go to six different
Supermarket chains today and really buy whatever we need you can you can go with no money and put
a credit card down and buy thousands of dollars worth of stuff that's really rare
and I think everything resets when these judgments begin
but these four horsemen they are four seals of the seven that the lamb is opening
look what it says in verse six and I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard as it were the noise of
Thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see and here's the byproduct of the first
seal being opened and I saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a
bow and a crown was given unto him I want you to note that please the crown is given unto him he did not earn it
it's given unto him and he went forth conquering and to
conquer now you may be led to believe that because the Antichrist is going to
establish peace with Israel that there will be a you know peace on the Earth
no this is how I think we should look at the Antichrist
he is the ultimate politician I'm serious about that because I've seen
this as I've I've been voting for several election Cycles now and I can tell you one thing I don't believe
anything that I'm told by these politicians now I know we can sit here and you know
laugh about that and there is some dark humor to it but at the end of the day we've got Liars
we've got liars and they're so good at it they're so good at it
and some people would look and say well don't you have hope for Humanity may I say this very clearly without any lack
of understanding no I don't I have no hope for Humanity no form of government
no religious leader or political leader to stand up for God
it's not going to happen I'll be honest with you there are people who stand up on Godly principles but they're not even his children
and I see the Antichrist as the most powerful influential politician
he's going to say a lot but what he says is not what comes to
pass note some imagery here will you look here the white horse what is significant about this
usually especially in John's time and throughout most of the culture in which the Bible was written the White Horse is
reserved for the one who brings about peace we wave the white flag you know there's this idea of
the okay we're good we're going to bring about peace and we know in first Thessalonians 5 that's where they're
going to Proclaim peace and safety and then sudden destruction comes quickly
note another thing about this horse and the one that sits on him he's got a bow
but he has no arrows and that's not looking in at all you
know really read between the lines there this is the truth I believe the one who is riding on this horse and on each one
of the ones after is a different aspect of the Antichrist wielding of power
the Rapture happens the world descends into chaos the Antichrist comes up and says I've got a solution but you know
what as he points his finger Millions die because look at what it says
and went forth conquering and to conquer but he's got no bow
or excuse me he's got no arrows how does he do that verse 3.
and when he had opened the second seal I heard the second be say come and see
and this is what John beheld verse 4 and there went out another horse that was red
and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the Earth
what does the Antichrist say when he starts peace and safety second seal is open writer is depicted on a red horse
peace is taken remember I told you to note that he was given a crown and that is there is power
given to him God is using this Antichrist to bring about destruction
there's no question about the amount of Destruction that
will be witnessed but I want you to note here the power which was given to him that sat there unto take peace from the
earth and that they should kill one another how does that happen through War
we see Wars that are happening all over the places but they will be skirmishes in light of what happens here
and there was given unto him note this now a great sword
a great sword is probably a sword that is very heavy so as that when it comes down with a powerful strike it splits in
half that which it cuts we all have dull knives at home the
Antichrist is not going to be you know wielding a pocket knife he's going to have the power of the
entire Earth and as he says peace and safety and War begins to break out people are going to die there's no
question about it look at verse 5. so he's got the Conquering he's saying
peace and safety he's going out he seems to be the Victor pure righteous blood follows him people die peace is
taken verse 3 or excuse me uh the third seal which is in verse 5 and when
he had opened the third seal I heard the third Beast say come and see and I be held low a black horse and he that sat
on him had a pair of balances in his hand I believe this is a representation of the Antichrist power over the economy
and there's a statement that's made that's always bewildered me until I've started studying it and I want to explain to you what it means here in
verse six and I Heard a Voice in the midst of the four Beast say a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of
barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine what what
what does this mean wheat is a fine product okay you got wheat you got a good thing
barley is it's it's edible but it's not preferable you can't feed
much with barley and it's cheap okay you've got the name brand and then
you've got great value you understand what I'm saying what is significant about both of these
things is the wheat look what it says a measure of wheat for a penny that's the
price that's put on it now it's not going to say when you see bread dropped to a penny Jesus is near that's not what
this means what this means is one piece of wheat a measure of it is
this much three measures of a lower quality is the
same amount what's that called inflation
things are going to be worth hardly nothing of value
study the Venezuelan government would you study Germany at its all-time low
if you ain't got no value behind your dollars you don't have anything remember I told you about Bitcoin and
the crypto stuff and all that all that's being set up to where the government controls what your value
is they got social scores in China what is that well how good are you in
society to be able to enjoy these freedoms no perish the thought yes open your eyes
but the Antichrist as he comes through promising peace he brings about
destruction Bloodshed and now the things that would sustain a good soldier are not available
we don't get this nowadays because we're not Farmers but all the food well I want to say all of it because some of it is
lab-grown junk I love Cheez-Its but they have no nutritional value zero it says made with
real cheese like I said lives things are not true
I got an accidentally I bought a uh a bag of cheese it's with extra cheddar and I was thinking oh they would taste
more cheesy it's just more cheese dust but most of the real food you guys go
shop organic and stuff and that's great you go do that's fine somebody produces that
we're gonna we're not talking about trucks don't make it to a Depot so there's a supply chain thing nobody's in
the fields because they're out to war this is why I say the harsh reality for
many people in the tribulation is starvation you can't you can't eat
and then in the Great Tribulation wait to see what happens to a third of the words the world's water supply is just crazy crazy stuff
but the Antichrist is working this out so that you can't buy what is available and there's not much
so you get to the fourth seal look what it says seven
and when you had to open the fourth seal I heard the voice of the Beast say come and see and I looked and behold a Pale
Horse and his name that sat on him was death and Hell Followed With Him
this is this is why I saved this for the end because this is jaw-dropping when you look at the number
and power was given there it is again given unto them over the fourth part of the
Earth to kill with sword that's from the second seal
to kill and with Hunger from the third seal and with death the fourth seal
and with the beasts of the Earth what does that mean animals fear humans now that that is a
that is how they operate yeah I would always be told by my uncle when we would be on Hikes and stuff you
run into animals they're afraid of you more than you should be of them that will change in the tribulation
period I remember vividly as a kid going to the library when we were about
to go to Yellowstone National Park and watching a video that basically said Don't Go Near the Bison
don't do it and I would see this picture all over I wish I'd had it all over Yellowstone of
a guy getting thrust up into the air by a bison because people are like oh cute you know
do it for the social media and that animal will attack because it
feels threatened now you don't have to stay away from it it's going to come to you
we don't see that there are not Bears rushing communities and devouring people
you see one and all it's like world news there was one in Carrollwood recently and it was like a three-week story The
Bear travels here but now it's like they come to you
they're going to attack you and people are going to die to the tune of one-fourth of the Earth's population
I read a commentary and when it was written the Earth's population was 5 billion at current count with numbers
from 2021 and 2022 I don't know how accurate it is but it's about 8 billion on current projections
do you recognize the number of 2 billion this is why I say I don't it doesn't
matter how much you are ready you're probably gonna die 2 billion people
right now in America there's 330 billion that's almost six times that would be
America dying the whole population six times how many people you think are going to
be left here on the Earth 75 will remain 25 will be wiped away in
these first four that's the first four hello that blows my mind
and they're not going to die because Elon Musk put a chip in their brain they're not going to die because the
government came against them they're going to die because there's no food to eat and the good men went off to war and
died you can't buy anything because the price is so out of control
and you starve in your home and you get preyed on by wild animals
you see why I come to the conclusion that the time that I'm living in right now I'm a blessed man I can't even imagine that
I've got guns at home and they have bullets you know but I only got so much
at some point people are going to run out of defenses on themselves and you'll be eaten alive
whether it's by your own starvation I can't imagine that I can't imagine being
a small middle class family who's got savings that get wiped away like that because there's no more value in your
dollar they can't they can't feed their children as a
father I can't imagine what that would be like it'll be a reality for people
very soon very soon and the tune of two billion people will
die and there's three more seals
and seven more trumpets and seven more vials do you see why Jesus says this is the
worst time in all the world we're not talking about deleting your social media or you know becoming
invisible they're going to find you do you see how the mark of the beast is going to be set up
nothing will have any value I think all the monetary value will disappear right now by the way most of the money that
you have it's just a number on a computer okay so we're already there and we saw at the beginning of the year when Banks
started collapsing and all of a sudden these huge technological companies with all this value started you could see
what you could see it for what it really was how many of you have eaten cotton candy you can have a cotton candy this big
you can put it all in your mouth in a few pushes and then you open your mouth and you see
Wow Let's see how much I have it's literally like that much it disappears that's what I look at
though all the Securities that we put together and say oh I've got all these protections I've got this and I've got
that and I've got these it's cotton candy folks but the truth is for those of you who
have put your trust in Jesus Christ you won't be in this period of time
you probably have family members that will and this is where it gets serious
this is where it is so important to understand the gravity of the situation
you shouldn't really be concerned if the culture says don't talk about
Jesus don't talk about salvation are you going to keep your mouth shut
and allow people to go through this I don't want that to be said of me
now I don't think that means we run on here and panic and you know pulling our hair out and looking like maniacs because we're so
scared about what's going to come to pass you come and bring the peace that comes with being a part of God's child
you know why Pat this peace comes upon you as you pray and you yield yourself to God that the world doesn't understand
because it's not a piece of the world but the reality is there are people in
our lives in our families who we will hug at Christmas and send text messages and funny emails and all that kind of
stuff co-workers which we rub shoulders with for years and years and years that will go through this period of time and
they'll probably die and we never said a word
we don't want to offend them well you know they got what they believe and I got what I believe you know the
difference is one of you is right and one of you is wrong and the difference is Heaven and Hell
as a kid I learned about stuff like this and it motivated me to share the gospel with my friends and yeah I was laughed
at yes I was made fun of but there were a few that listened and I don't know what their spiritual condition is today but I
know they're children of God because they believed it's worth being shamed and persecuted
stand up for what you believe in because there's coming a time where that gospel message it'll be available but
I'm telling you few will find it few will find it
when we meet next week and we study more about this we're going to look at
a part of the seven trumpets right before the midst of the week and then right after the midst of the week and
we're going to see some things about the Antichrist in particular I want to show you these charts up here
they're very hard to see okay and I get that but if you go to Blue Letter bible.org I think or.com I'm pretty sure
it's dot org you can type in Larkin l-a-r-k-i-n-s Larkin charts and blue
letter has restored them to the point where their high quality PDFs where you can put them
on a screen like your computer and iPad and you can zoom in and it like clarifies it so you're not looking at a
a blurry thing these charts are so helpful because it illustrates these periods of time this
is Daniel 78 weeks and you see the 69 weeks here BC 45 when they were allowed
to go build in the Messiah the prince comes he's cut off here the present dispensation of the church
which was not revealed to Daniel we're in that time right now we are in a lull period between the 69th and the 70th
week here's that 70th week the first part where those four seals well all
seven will be open in this first part and then the last part the middle of the week and this is when the Lord comes
back this is all based off of Daniel 9 24-27
this is a chart of Daniel's 70th night week in uh in comparison to the reign of the Antichrist lots of good material
here and I'm just going to zoom in and show you that's all we covered today look at that
this is amazing to me because as you study these charts he's got a chapter and verse references and what I mean by
that is you are supposed to go look and see is he right we don't go oh this is pretty I believe
it does the bible teach it the Rapture of the church happens right
here we're caught up we get to experience all this up here notice not here
notice how Israel is the one that is being judged the rise of the Antichrist he's got that bow but he's got no Arrow
destruction desolation here's the
uh the dragon being cast out in Revelation uh 12 verses 13 through 17.
here's the Angels warnings these intervals all this stuff and we just covered chapter six verses one through
whatever it is so right here does this look like a happy time you
want to go to a party where this is the agenda here's the menu tonight death destruction bloodshed
I mean but you know people they'll still reject
I don't want that to be said of you if you're here today and you don't know where you're going to go and you die I do want you to have a healthy fear and
respect for what's coming but God loves you so much that he sent
his son to die in your place and if you simply put your trust in Jesus Christ death burial and Resurrection he pays
for all your sin past present and future and you're given as a free gift everlasting life
and you get to skip all this here's your part out
as they say today peace I'm out
I'm not even a part of that and if I have family members that end up going through that period I don't want
it to be because I didn't say anything I don't want I just that's not a
you put your own Comfort over the safety of another
I don't want that to be said of me I don't want that to be said of you
like I said we only looked at four today
there's so much more that comes to pass
as you close your Bibles and look up here for a moment I know we've gone a little over time but I want to illustrate what I just said about
knowing you're going to heaven when you die because when I saw this illustration it was extremely helpful to me it was it was able to put it in a way that I could
see it and understand it okay here's you and me all right my wallet's going to represent all of our sin okay I put this
on top of my hand because that's what we are we're sinners God He Loves Us very much he does hate sin because sin separates us from him
and he set a standard he said you want to go to heaven you want to have eternal life you got to be perfect and a lot of people think well I'm going to be
perfect from this day forward but you've got sin that you committed yesterday that requires a payment
and you know what If we're honest with ourselves we can't do anything good we all fall short
we all fall short we miss that standard what's the standard perfection
and there is a payment for this sin and it's not good works I think a lot of people come to church and some of you
know this because you've been delivered out of this message but you hear things like if you're good enough if you just be a good person if
you turn from your sin if you ask you know uh for God to help you live a good and
righteous life he'll judge your sin and your works and if you got more good works then it'll balance out with your
sin that's not a message that is taught in the Bible if that was true then Jesus Christ died in vain Galatians 2 21.
somebody has to shed their blood for this sin somebody's got to die and if it's you you spend an eternity in Hell
separated from God and you go through this junk first
if you're alive and the Rapture happens in your time
this sin separates us from God but God demonstrated his love he showed you how much he loved you and
that he sent his son to die in your place this hand will represent Jesus Christ
John 3 16 says for God so loved the world I like how One YouTube teacher put
it that I listened to he said he doesn't mention this as I love you so so so so so so so much you know like you know new
love type stuff somebody love you too he loved you in this way
for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son God's Wrath was poured out
on his son for my sin for your sin that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish but have everlasting life the moment that you as a sinner put
your trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ his death his burial in his resurrection God gives to you the
righteousness of his son you're now a part of God's family he's got a hold on you
and you'll never ever be separated from him again and you miss all this
and you get to experience real joy and real peace that money can't buy
you see the mercy of God are you seeing this with me right now do you realize what God has given to us in this offer
of eternal life he will not force you you've got to make that choice
now here's where people say ask him into your heart turn from your sin the Bible doesn't use that language what's the
language that it used believe if you write where you're sitting put your trust in Jesus Christ without any
promises to do better without any burdens to never sin again just simply trust in Jesus Christ
you receive as a free gift right there in this moment everlasting life
you'll never be separated from God you'll be caught up in the rapture and you'll be able to be with him
forever that sounds like a great deal that sounds like something
we should act on Amen would you bow your head please and close your eyes nobody's looking around if
you're here this morning and that message made sense to you maybe you've got a little bit more of a perspective
on what's coming but you walked in this morning and you
said you know what I had no idea I was going to heaven I just don't know I don't know if I was
good enough I I said a prayer when I was young or I was a part of a certain church and that's what I was depending on to get to
heaven but it it makes sense I I see how I'm never going to be good enough to save myself and how Jesus died in my
place and I put my trust in him if that describes you this morning without any emotionalism although it may
be an emotional thing to recognize the Forgiveness that is available but would you just simply put your trust
in Jesus Christ if you did that today for the first time you know you're going to heaven now and
you would like prayer and I would like to pray for you would you just raise your hand no one's going to walk down
and tap your shoulder have you come down the aisle none of that I just want to know if some people got saved today they made
they understand a Salvation is simply by trusting in
Jesus Christ would you raise your hand and let me know I've got heads bowed and eyes closed for your privacy
the word of God still taught this morning should do two things for you and me as
believers we should thank God we should thank God we should thank God
for his son and number two we should share the gospel
we should share it now we should not wait father thank you for your word the great
and terrible things that we see in the coming time period I think sometimes we are desensitized to
it because of how good we have it in America but I pray Lord by the motivation of your word
that we get up get

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