Blessed Incredibly

1 year ago

What an incredible blessing. We woke up to another day and God is with us, God is for us in this gift of another day. What will you do with this gift? Well, I am thinking that the best thing we can do with this gift of a new day, where God’s mercy is new for us is to receive it, the mercy of God, the love of God, the provision of God. How? Well, probably, for me, it will be, hopefully, that my first step out into this day will be down, bowed in reverence, awe, gratefulness before God.

Yes, I am thankful for this new day with all of its God goodness ahead, those great God Adventures of divine appointments that He has for us. But then, there is the other side of the coin, evil intentions of the enemy of our soul, and I don’t underestimate the wiles of the enemy to try to mess up my day with his stupidness. So, while I am down there, in my first step down, in Awe of God, I realize this is a vital-vertical connection I am making with the heart and power of Almighty God. Simply-Significantly, I take this so seriously. This time in my relationship with God is critical and I ask for what I need from God, I asked to be equipped for the day ahead.

I usually wake up optimistically, on the good side of the bed as people sometimes ask the opposite: Did you wake up on the bad side of the bed?? But I usually do get up happy and looking forward to time with God. I deeply realize, God has gifted me with much, just in the waking up to a new day, but I know He has immeasurably more for me than I could hope for, imagine or expect. With joyful expectation, and activated faith, I ask to be protected from evil, to be kept from temptation, to make the right choice the first time from every moment to choice I will have in this day gifted me. I ask My Father God to equip me with the wisdom, discernment and knowledge I need to succeed in this day ahead. I ask God to not let me drift away from truth because I live in a life season which is saturated with deception. I pray to make this gifted day all about the Gifter, Jesus Christ, the One Who has given me the ultimate gift of eternal life.

This great God adventure today, I want to live it out focused on Jesus, all in with His mission. I hope for it not to be about me, but all about Him and His Kingdom. If I do stumble here and there because of a lengthly focus on my worldly viewpoint, I ask the Holy Spirit to always be there for me, to pick me up, wholly-holy align me with truth and set me apart and on His way, navigated by Him. Because I am flesh, I know the value of this heavenly gift of a new day, I know my days are short in this flesh and I want to do the most I can do with my human condition, in its weakness, so I always ask for the Holy Spirit to infuse my weakness with His strength, and my day seems to be at its peak best when I am saying no to my flesh and yes to God. So I hope for us, that we take this wonderful gift of a day, given to us by God and use it for His glory. God bless ya. Enjoy!

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