Exit the Cities With Land Partnership Agreements?

1 year ago

#agroforestry #homesteading #permaculture

Lets face it .. not everyone is fortunate enough to live in an agrarian sprawl near a very laid back and liberty-loving municipality. In many large cities, life can get tense in the best of times, and in the worst? Well, getting out of town has occurred to many. The problem facing so many families, is how they are to afford a _second_ property (or even a first) outside of the city, with the ability to provide for all of their needs.

It is a daunting task to be a solo homesteader, to attempt to live off grid, and to do so at the start, abandoning the city pioneer-style. There is a good reason that so few people do this .. and a reason that so many homestead attempts meet with early failure: It is a LOT of work for a small family, especially if one or more family members have to continue to earn a regular income.

If only there were a way for multiple families to pool their financial and labor resources, some sort of "Land Partnership Agreement" that would enable them to purchase land for development, and have the funds and labor available to build a sustainable community .. Turns out, There IS!

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