1 year ago

#coinbase #binance #sec #cryptoregulation

This is a shocking week for the crypto industry! Yesterday the SEC sued CZ and Binance, and today they hit Coinbase.

Check out this video to learn more, we have some shocking details for you.

We will cover this and more top crypto news! Subscribe to the channel, turn on video alerts, leave a comment & share the video xo

00:00 Happy Taco Tuesday babies enjoy the show xo
02:00 SEC sues Coinbase
05:40 Sometimes you have to pay for better products/services
15:30 The entire crypto market
15:45 #btc daily, 12h & 6h
17:00 More details on SEC VS Coinbase
22:40 Gary Gensler comments on the lawsuits
25:45 More details on SEC VS Binance
35:50 #matic #polygon whales react to lawsuits
36:40 #matic price analysis
37:05 Accredited Investor Definition Review Act passes
39:05 #genesis bankruptcy case updates
39:35 #apple New VR headset pumps VR tokens
40:30 Why they are going after crypto mixing services
42:00 #chainlink collaborates with Swift
Thanks for joining us today xo Smash the like & share this video now

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Disclaimer: Please be advised that I own a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrency assets, and anything written or discussed in connection to cryptocurrenciesā€“ regardless of the subject matterā€™s contentā€“ may represent a potential conflict of interest. I wish to remain transparent and impartial to the cryptocurrency community at all times, and therefore, the content of my media are intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Nothing that I write or discuss should be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice. Nothing should be interpreted as a solicitation to invest in any cryptocurrency, and nothing herein should be construed as a recommendation to engage in any investment strategy or transaction. Please be advised that is in your own best interests to consult with investment, legal, tax or similar professionals regarding any specific situations and any prospective transaction decisions.

PLEASE NOTE: In consideration for producing content the company, made a generous contribution to support the ā€œCryptoWendyā€ socials channel. This disclosure is in compliance with Section 17(b) of the United States Securities Act of 1933.

#cryptonews #crypto #cryptowendyo #bitcoin #ethereum #syscoin #xrp

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