Red Granite

10 months ago

Red Granite |
Song 205: Red Granite |
aka Swirling Spirits |
written Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 12:38 A.M. EST |
by Cano |
A=432 Hertz |

And the world got so quiet/I could finely here myself think/I need a drink of water, my love/Can’t you feel me dying again?/Walk with me were going for a long while/I can see the end is coming, oh so near to me/Break the glass we’ll walk right through it/Starving again. I call it energy my friend/And from a whisper, from a spark. A word is written upon a rock/And from it comes a new beginning/From the crumbs, of their new world spinning/See me flying. See me fall/I’ve got the power. Let’s bend the wall/The greatest concert, stage levitates/And we’re over. I know how this ends/I am laid out on a slab of rock/With you, my friend/They want us dead. They want to torture us/To the point that we renounce our Faith. Only why do they haste?/And when we sit up from beyond the grave/They rave and claw like raving false/And now we walk through Canada we cross the path of future me/Flawed fallible full of regret/And erased from time. Oh, woe, is this rhyme/I’m just a ghost now. I’m not even here/Lord, please protect as we know not what we do

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